Chap 02- Yearning Desires.

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It's been 2 days since Jungkook broke down in Jimin's arms and revealed his deepest fears. Something that he's been reluctant to do for a very long time.
Jimin had tried his best to calm his boyfriend down and promised him that they'll be together till death spilts them apart. A promise he himself wasn't sure if he could keep. Usually the lovers stay together in either one of their houses but not today because Jungkook's aunt had apparently wanted to visit him that day.
It was like 11.00 Am in the morning and Jungkook was seated on his sofa watching some comedy show on TV. Only his eyes were focused on the screen but his mind was elsewhere.
He was mentally preparing himself to face his worst nightmare, that being his homophobic and stereotypical relatives.
He had no idea why they had wanted to see him so suddenly especially after his aunt had bluggarded his dad for Jungkook being supposedly gay.
She was older than Jungkook's dad by 9 years and so the latter's father was bound by ethics and culture to respect her opinions and not talk back to her.
Jungkook and his brother had always hated her. She used to have ill opinions on their mom once upon a time, mostly because she was older than her brother by 2 years. The woman showed no regrets after cursing another woman infront of her sons plenty of times. Jungkook was very young then, only about 7 or 8 years old and he hadn't understood the meaning behind those words she spat at his mom. The words being, "Slut, Golddigger and low casted woman". His blood boiled thinking of those memories and a tiny part of him didn't even want to meet his aunt.
She has always been good to Jungkook and his brother though, so there was no reason for the two of them to hold a personal grudge against her but still Jungkook knew that the moment she gets to know about his relationship with Jimin she would turn into a literal devil.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even realise his phone had been ringing all this while. Fortunately a bug flew right across his face and brought him back to reality. He picked up his phone lazily and noticed it was his aunt calling him. He swiped the green icon on his screen sideways and placed the phone on his ear. His relaxed position changes and he automatically sits upstraight with his legs together like one in danger.

Jungkook- A-Aunty?

Aunt- Jungkookah are you still at home ?

Jungkook- Yeah I am.. I was umm waiting for you

Aunt- Oh I'm so sorry son.. the thing is that I was caught up in traffic so I had to turn around and go back to the hotel. Apparently there's been an accident in the highway and its gonna take some time for the road to be clear. Do you mind if I come in the evening?

Jungkook- Oh? Yeah sure.. I- I ah I'll be home the whole day long.

Aunt- That's great then... I'll see you soon okay ?

Jungkook- Okay bye.. see you

*The phone disconnects*

Jungkook's POV

I threw the phone on my sofa and leaned back with a sigh. I thought I'd be able to get whatever the bullshit with my Aunt over with as soon as possible and calm the fuck down but now I had to wait till evening to do that. I even asked Jimin not to come to see me in the morning because of this sudden meetup.
I thought of calling him now and asking him to come home for a while. I mean its not even afternoon yet, we still got plenty of time till evening so why not have my boyfriend with me here till that wretched woman I call my aunt comes to see me?
I grabbed my phone again and dialed Jimin's number. After a few seconds I heard his angelic voice through my phone and it instantly made me feel better.

Jimin- Babe? What's up ?

Jungkook- Aunty said she'd come in the evening..

Jimin- Oh? Really ? You could've come to work then.

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