Chap 4 - Endearing Memories

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin and I were more than delighted when my aunt called an hour ago to inform me that she'd come home by late night and not the evening. She even specified the time as 'after 8.00 PM'. It was like 5.30 PM now and Jimin and I were cuddled together on the couch in our living room. The TV was on and some show on National Geographic called " Snakes in the city" was telecasting. We had a good lunch, ordered pizza actually and after chatting for some time followed by an intense make out session we had decided to watch TV. Jimin was fast asleep by now, his face squished on my broad chest. Gentle snores escaped his luscious lips and I couldn't help but lean in to peck them. Call me perverted but my hands have been lingering in his pants all this while. He wasn't wearing an underwear and I have been squeezing and playing with his dick all this while. A creepy move I know, but its not my fault he's so addicting. His dick was soft but still warm and it felt heavenly to have it brush against my palms. I know I'm perverted but he's my fucking boyfriend so I don't see what's the big deal. I once woke up to Jimin sleeping on my butt cheeks. This is pretty much a regular occurence to us both. Come to think of it I realised that most couples don't have such an open, dirty and comfortable relationship and it made me smirk with pride.
Though my thoughts were occupied, my eyes were focused on the TV and the bald guy with tattoos all over his body was currently wrestling a huge python. With Jimin's soft dick still in my grasp and a snake show playing on the TV, I was reminded of an interesting memory. An uncontrollable giggle escaped my mouth and I had to bite my lips to pacify it.


Still Jungkook's POV

I seriously can't believe this is happening to me. I've been in this fucking toilet for the last 45 minutes and I'm pretty sure I've pooped my intestines out by now. All thanks to Jin hyung who uses us as Guinea pigs to test out his cooking and that giant clumsy dumbass who calls himself Rap monster. This is definitely the last time I'm eating something from this household.
This morning Jin hyung made some new dish which he proudly called 'Jin cheese Ramen' or something and honestly it was pretty aromatic. Being the greedy pigs we are Taehyungie hyung and I finished the whole thing in a matter of minutes. Not longer than half an hour the side effects had started showing through our asses and we've been pooping without a break.

Hoseokie hyung did some investigation on what went wrong with the dish and we were left stunned with the information we received. Apparently some dumbass in this asylum we call a house had mistook dish washing soap for white vinegar. After digging a bit more deeper on the case we found that the said dumbass was none other than the legendary Kim Namjoon. Like seriously, Jin hyung needs to get his head checked to have let Namjoon out of all people to assist him in the kitchen.
I took my phone and earphones with me when I went to the toilet and I was watching some random videos on YouTube while trying to empty my bowel.

'Yaaah Jungkookah! Are you in there? '
I heard someone shout from outside the toilet and before I could answer a loud bang on the door made me flinch.

'WHAT THE hell do you want hyung?' I yelled back feeling annoyed.

'Boy why are you mad at me, I did warn you not to eat that shit'
He did, honesty Yoongi hyung did everything in his power to stop us from eating that venomous Jin Ramen.

'WHAT do you want hyung? I'm busy here' I said

' Should we consult a doctor?' - Yoongi

I fumed and heard him giggle from outside.

'Aight whatever.. have you seen my earphones though ? I've been looking for them everywhere' - Yoongi

' Ugh.. the white ones ?' I asked hesitantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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