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It was a beautiful summer afternoon and Emi was working her usual shift at the bookstore in New York. She knew that the Avengers had an HQ there and that it was kind of stupid for her and her friend to live so close to them, but theirs a saying she loves 'hiding in plain sight.'

Emi loved her job, the best part to her though was she got paid to basically read books and do really nothing. The bookstore may have been in New York but that doesn't mean it was that busy, in fact, it was a bit too slow in Emi's opinion.

She was just reading when two men walked in, they were dressed rather differently. One was wearing a black zip-up hoodie, and jeans, while the other wore a black suit. Both men were very stunning, but there was one thing Emi didn't care about it was the fact she recognized them from the Norse Mythology and the battle of New York. Seeing as she was working she had no choice but to talk to them.

"Is there anything that I can help you gentlemen find?" Emi asked giving them a kind smile.

The one in the black suit huffed and began walking around looking at the books. He seemed to think he was above everyone and considering what happened during the battle of New York him trying to take over and all, yeah he definitely had a god complex.

"Loki do you need help finding what you're looking for?" the one with the zip-up sweater said he had a huge smile and seemed really friendly.

"No, I don't need help," Loki said scanning over the books, he had a bit of attitude Emi noticed.

"I am sorry for my brother."

"It's fine," Emi said smiling at him, "my name's Emi if either of you needs me, just let me know," Emi said going back to organizing the books behind the counter.

"Thank you, Lady Emi, I am Thor and that is my brother Loki," Thor said introducing himself and Loki, who let out an annoyed sound.

Emi looked up at Thor, "It's nice to meet you both," Emi said going back to her work.

She knew exactly who they were and that Loki couldn't be trusted, but she had to go about this like she knew nothing about them. Well, maybe she could say she had heard of them from Norse Mythology.

Emi had been so wrapped up in her thoughts and doing what she was doing she hadn't realized that Loki had set a stack of books on the counter. It was only when he sighed in annoyance had she realized he was there.

"Sorry," Emi said feeling like an idiot for getting too wrapped up in her thoughts, "did you find what you were looking for?"

"This will be sufficient for now," Loki stated coldly.

Emi scanned all the books and placed all of them into a bag so they were easier to carry. Thor paid for the books with Tony's money, and all of the Avengers had cards with set money in them for cases like this.

"Thank you, Lady Emi," Thor said taking the bag of books, "come, brother, we should return to Stark Tower."

"Enjoy the books and please come again," Emi said as they walked out, as soon as they were gone she sighed in relief. "Why did they have to come to this bookstore of all bookstores?"


It had been a week or so since Thor and Loki had came into the book store, Emi would have told Kara about it but she was out of town at the moment looking into something. She was on her way to work, but decided to stop and get coffee first. When she walked in she saw Thor with a few other people that she had seen during the battle of New York. She got in line for her coffee but as she was about to walk out Thor spotted her.

Complicated Love// Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now