Weak but Still There

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"Why do you always have to show up when we are about to leave?" Leon groaned, rolling his eyes.

"You aren't going anywhere children," Draxum crossed his arms. His gargoyles chuckled.

"Oh yes we are!" April retorted. Y/N pulled out their pocket knife and planted their feet incase they had to fight.

Draxum narrowed his eyes at the group as they held their weapons ready, Raph letting go of Y/N's hand to hold his tonfās up.

Donnie glanced down at his wrist tech and back at Draxum. He had an idea but wasn't sure if it would work. It was incredibly risky and dangerous but if it worked they would be able to make a safe escape.

"Guys, procedure 17," Donnie stated. Everyone looked over at him confused.

"Really?! Has no one read the- oh forget it," Donnie groaned, pressing a button on his wrist tech. Draxum watched with curiosity. Donnie was looking through his notes on what he may have called it otherwise should they have not read the article he had sent everyone. Procedure 17 was relatively new due to all of the issues in late with Draxum and Y/N. Donnie had made it for a situation just like this.

Everyone knew the procedure, just not what it was called because he had gone over the plan with the group one day and hadn't come up with a name for it yet.

Then it hit him, Leo had jokingly called the plan something everyone agreed it would be if they didn't come up with a name, they absolutely would have remembered it.

"Leo! If you can't portal us out of here," Donnie paused, turning off his wrist tech and locking eyes with his younger twin, "we execute plan 'punk'"

Everyone understood, all except Y/N. They hadn't been there, they didn't know.

"What is plan punk Donnie?" Y/N asked.

"Don't worry about it, just-" Raph began, turning to Y/N. He was stopped when vines erupted from the ground around them, Draxum had grown tired of waiting and listening to them talk.

"Leo! Portal! Now!" Raph shouted. Leo held his sword high but before he could create a portal, a vine grabbed the blade held above his head and pulled him into the air.

Leo yelped as he dropped the sword and rolled as he hit the ground, not wanting to be taken too far away from the others.

"Hey! Didn't your mother ever teach you not to take things that aren't yours!" Leo jested as he stood up.

"Dang it, Leo! Okay, plan punk everyone!" Donnie groaned. April and the turtles nodded and Y/N stood, completely confused.

Raph spun around and picked Y/N up, holding them close as he ran, dodging vines. Donnie activated his drone shell and flew after them, using his tech bo to hit vines away from the pair.

Leon ran to retrieve his sword while Mikey and April attacked Draxum, attempting to distract him long enough for the others to get out.

"Raph! Watch it!" Donnie shouted, unable to get to a vine as it swung at Raph.

The vine tripped Raph as he tried to jump over it. As he hit the ground, Y/N tumbled out of his arms and rolled away from him. Y/N groaned and sat up.

A vine wrapped around Raphael's ankle, making him yelp in surprise. Y/N stood up and ran as fast as they could towards their boyfriend as he was lifted into the air. Another vine occupied Donnie as the one holding Raph slammed him down onto the ground with more force than a ten ton truck.

"RAPH!" Y/N caught everyone's attention as they dropped to his side. The vine released him and slunk away.

There Raphael lay, unconscious from the blow. Y/N pulled him up and checked his pulse. Weak, but still there.

"Donnie! Donnie his pulse is weak!" Y/N cried, looking up at the soft shell. Genuine fear flickered in Donnie's eyes as he looked down at the two. He furrowed his brow and looked to Leo, whom at this point was still trying to retrieve his sword while being attacked by vines.

"Leo! Get that sword and get us out of here!" Donnie shouted, throwing his tech bo after pressing a button on it that released blade all down the staff. It sliced through the vines around Leon, clearing him a path to his sword.

The blue clad terrapin jumped forward, grabbing his sword and swinging it with passion. Several blue portals crackled to life below each member of the team.

"NO!" Draxum yelled as they sank into the portals, disappearing before he could follow.


The group landed in the lair, surprised Leo had actually been able to do it.

"Donnie! Get Raph to the med bay! Now!" Leo shouted, tears in his eyes. Y/N was crying too, holding Raph close.

"Okay, calm down, im on it," Donnie stated, typing on his wrist tech. Seconds later, Shelldon entered the room and assisted Donnie at lifting Raphael and carrying him to the med bay. Donnie asked Y/N to stay put so he could work as best he could.

"What! No! I want to be with him!" Y/N protested, trying to follow as Donnie rushed his brother to the med bay.

"Y/N.. let Don have some space, he needs to be able to work to make sure Raph is okay," Leo grabbed their shoulder. Y/N turned to see the two youngest turtles, Leo and Mikey, both crying. April watched, unsure what to do or how to comfort the three.

"I just. I want to be there! Incase he wakes up! Or something happens!" Y/N tore away from Leo, turning to face him completely. Their fists tightened at the thought of losing Raph. They couldn't bear it.

Before anyone could say anything else, Y/N ran out of the room. Not towards the med bay, but towards Raphael's room.

Y/N collapsed into his bed, pulling the covers up and hugging the pillow he normally slept on tightly. With their face buried, they let out a loud scream, sobbing into the pillow. They needed to get it out of their system before they went back to face the others again.

After a half hour of crying and trying to pull themself together, Y/N gathered the strength to get up and see how Donnie was doing with Raph.

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