My Hero

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Everyone near the store panicked and ran away. Most of the people in the food court did the same, running for the exit.

However, the group of four Y/N had spotted before, jumped up and ran towards the pig-man.

"What are they doing?!" Shouted Y/N, standing up. April assured that everything would be fine and said they had to get out of the mall.

"But-!" Y/N began to protest but was cut off by a loud crash as the pig-man threw one of the turtles into the exit, smashing the wall and caving in the doors so they were trapped.

The people left inside ran to hide behind counters and in other shops as the turtle stood up with a painful grunt. It was the one Y/N had locked eyes with before. But now his hood was down and Y/N could see his whole head and was shocked.

"Come on! We have to hide!" Shouted April, pulling Y/N along behind one of the counters. They crouched down and April turned to Y/N.

"Stay here, I'm going to help others hide!" April demanded, jumping over the counter again.

"Wait! April!" Y/N yelled, standing up and watching her run out to help strangers hide.

"I have to do something, i cant just sit here," Y/N thought, jumping over as well and running to do the same.

Y/N spotted a kid near the rubble, shaking with fear. They darted over and picked up the kid, only to be stopped on their way back to a hiding spot by the pig-man.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" He bellowed. Y/N stepped backwards, holding the kid tightly. As the huge mutant raised his arm, Y/N turned their back to him to protect the child in their arms but was surprised when there was no impact, but instead, someone jumped in the way, saving their life.

The large red clad turtle saw what was about to happen and slammed his fists together, creating a red shield and jumped in front of the civilian, taking meat-sweats blow with incredible endurance.

Y/N spun around shocked and took the chance to run away into a store, setting the kid down behind a shelf and running back out to see the turtle fight alongside the others.

After maybe a 5 minute fight, the pig-man finally found a chance to escape and ran away, leaving the group of exhausted and beat up turtles to themselves.

Most people had found emergency exits by now and had left the building, but Y/N stayed to watch. They were even more shocked when April ran up to the group and started talking to them.

Y/N then ran out and over to the group as well.

"April you know them? What are you guys?!" Y/N asked loudly, this startled the turtles and April. April sighed. There cover had been blown again.

"Yes, and they are mutant turtles. Please don't think im weird," April groaned, disappointed.

"Weird?! April you know mutants that just fought a giant pig-man, and you saved a bunch of people by helping them to safety! You are the coolest person i have ever met!" Y/N rambled in disbelief. April smiled widely and hugged Y/N again. And again, Y/N flinched at first but hugged her back. April didn't seem to notice the flinch, nor any of the turtles. Except the one in red. He glanced at Y/N with what seemed like pity momentarily before smiled again.

"Guys, this is Y/N," April turned to the turtles and introduced Y/N.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Leon, aka the best brother." Said the one in blue, leaning on his sword. Y/N recognized the weapon as an ōdachi. Y/N had taken an interest in weapons a few years ago during a Lou Jitsu hyper focus and now knew more than most people would assume they'd know about weapons. Unfortunately they were never able to learn a lot of the moves Lou Jitsu used in his movies, being as they had no proper trainer or knowledge towards fighting.

"Ignore Leo's ego, I'm Donatello, Donnie for short," stated the one in purple, pulling Y/N out of their thoughts.

"I'm Mikey!" Shouted the orange clad turtle with a big toothy grin. This made Y/N chuckle a bit.

"I'm Raph," the largest said softly, smiling and showing off his snaggletooth, Y/N found it slightly intimidating. His large figure, sharp points, and fanged tooth. Oddly enough, he didn't seem hostile.

"It's nice to meet you all," Y/N replied to their introductions.

"Nice to meet you too!" Mikey smiled before turning to his largest brother. He tapped his shoulder to say something to him but when the large turtle turned his head, Y/N saw a cut on his face and felt bad.

"Let me help you," Y/N said. Everyone looked over, confused, as Y/N took off their mini pack and took out their med kit. Y/N set the things down on a broken part of the wall beside them and pointed at the floor in front of them.

"Raph, sit, you are hurt," Y/N told him sternly. Raph was shocked as he didn't even realize he was hurt. But he did as he was told and sat in front of Y/N on the floor, crossing his legs and politely looking up at them.

Y/N took out an alcohol wipe and sat on the concrete slab, pulling Raph's head gently to the side and wiping the blood and dirt off the wound. This simple gesture flustered Raph for a reason he couldn't understand, but he stayed quiet and let Y/N work.

Leo looked at Raph and grinned wildly, smirking at April and back to Raph. April chuckled and smiled too seeing the Large turtle begin blushing at the two's stares. Raph glared them as Y/N let go of his face to grab and unwrap a bandage.

When Y/N gently pressed the bandage to Raph's face, he winced in a bit of pain from the contact and quickly apologized for moving.

"No need, it's alright," Y/N smiled, again putting the bandage to his face and sticking it there. Y/N then held the side of his face,

"All done, feel better?" Y/N asked, not letting go of the turtle's face.

"Yeah, uh, thanks," Raph muttered, glancing around at his brothers.

"Hey, we should bail before the cops show up, they wouldn't believe any of this and it is better to skip than get caught," April interrupted the moment.

Y/N let go of Raph's face and stood up, grabbing their bag and stepping around the him and agreeing that they should probably leave.

The 6 teenagers then left the building though a back exit as they heard sirens indicating that the cops were on their way and that they had left just in time.

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