Christmas special part 1: new age

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5 years ago, a girl called Kipo Oak, along with her friends helped Mutes and humans to live together, this group composed of: humans, Mutes, a hybrid between human and Mute, and the strangest, a boy capable of transforming into alien forms.
Together these managed to win the reign of Scarlemagne, however , after that it was revealed that Emilia is a human who protects those she helps, revealed its real intention, to exterminate the Mutes, but after a battle, and the sacrifice of Scarlemagne who regretted his mistakes, the victory went to the heroes.

Five years later, the humans are living together with the Mutes, it's Christmas Eve, Las Vistas is covered in snow, everyone is getting ready for the holidays, and...

Wolf: Fel, you can stop writing in your diary and help me first!?

a girl, With big hair and a T-shirt with a print of a skull with a rose in its mouth.

a girl, With big hair and a T-shirt with a print of a skull with a rose in its mouth

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Tennyson: Calm down Little Wolf, can't I write anymore?

A young man with short hair, wearing a jacket, with the number 15 on one side, and on the other a jaguar paw.

A young man with short hair, wearing a jacket, with the number 15 on one side, and on the other a jaguar paw

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Wolf: Not when you arrange with me to arrange the Christmas tree!

Tennyson: What problem? You've beaten people much bigger than you.

Wolf: yeah,yeah whatever just help me now that we are done with the service.

Wolf and Tennyson lift the Christmas tree, and begin to decorate with balls of different colors, put lights around and and place the star at the end of the tree.

Wolf: Finally, until the decoration was beautiful.

Tennyson: True, By the way, do you already know which gift you are going to buy for the secret friend?

Wolf: Not yet, I wanted to give her something nice, but, I still don't know what.

Tennyson: Me too, but I think I already have an idea of ​​what to do.

Wolf:Interesting, and what would it be?

Tennyson: That's a surprise *sticks out tongue*

Wolf: Fine, I'll go get a present, see you at the party, bye Fel.

Tennyson: Bye, Wolf *Look at Wolf leaving * wow, and before she was the shortest one in the group, well, time to go shopping.

Tennyson starts walking through Las Vistas, most of the Mutes look at him with friendly eyes and respond like "hi", finally Tennyson Arrives at the clothing store, he starts looking for the jackets, when he sees a guy, Hair up, white shirt and blue jacket.

Tennyson starts walking through Las Vistas, most of the Mutes look at him with friendly eyes and respond like "hi", finally Tennyson Arrives at the clothing store, he starts looking for the jackets, when he sees a guy, Hair up, white shirt and blu...

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Tennyson: Troy! What are you doing here!?

Troy: Hey Fel! Do you also want to buy clothes for your secret friend?

Tennyson: Well, it was my idea so I guess I have to do this *giggle* what are you going to buy?

Troy: I'm going to buy this long shirt,my secret friend ended up being the Asher, and I know they love this kind of clothes, how about you?

Tennyson: Well I *sees a dark purple colored jacket* that's perfect for her!

Troy: Oh, So she's your secret friend, isn't she?

Tennyson: Well yeah, that's her, I wish I could give her something that she really likes, and I think that's perfect.

Troy and Tennyson go to the cashier and there they buy the clothes.

Troy: Well, now I'm going to go buy Benson something for his Secret Santa, do you want to come along?

Tennyson: It didn't work, there's still something I want to do with this gift, I'll see you at the Christmas party.

Troy: Understood, bye Fel, I want to see your declaration of love for her along with the present!

Tennyson: Don't say that out loud!

Troy: *Laughing as you walk away*

Tennyson after that, takes a deep breath and looks at the present.

Tennyson: I hope so too...

To be continue

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