Guarding The Mafia Heir (Mafia Series 1) by; snoophye123

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Dedicated to/ to the author of the story; snoophye123

Cathalina Frances Valeria is a well-known superior agent in Italy. She was trained well, that’s why she is capable in her job—doing missions like it was just a piece of cake. Aside from her thrilling profession, she’s also an international model. Because of her interesting personality and aura, every man would flock their feet onto her. Despite being a Valeria heiress and prominent in her capabilities and enticing beauty, she is wretched and despondent.

Until one day, the director of her organization gave her a mission. A mission that would change her life and norm. A mission that would lead her path to a mafia heir. A mission that would make her heart at stake for guarding the mafia’s son.


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