Part 7

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Uitani pov

Everything has died down a bit, and it's time for my favorite part the Tulkan. "The Tulkuns have returned, everybody our brothers and sisters have returned" Tsireya is in her Ilu telling everybody as they dive in the water and get on their Ilu's.

Neteyam is confused "Get on" I pat the back of the Ilu "are you sure?"  "Don't make me regret saying the words" I pat the back again. He gets on we're heading towards my Tulkun.

"Sister it is so good to see you again" I sign to her, "who is that boy" she tells me I look back at Neteyam looking around, "he is a forest boy, I don't know my feelings towards him fully" I smile at her, a male Tulkun comes up and swims next to her, "you're mated. congrats" i hug her.

I go to Neteyam, I grab his arm, and bring him to the male Tulkun, I place his hand on the head. "This is brother or your if you bond with him" i sign to Neteyam, the Tulkun blows and picks Neteyam up with his fin, he seems surprised I laugh at him.

After I drop Neteyam off at his shack I went to the Ta'unui village as I wanted to meet the kids. I was playing with the kids until a big demon thing came. "Looking for weapons, anything that can attack"  "get down you see this" they are saying a language I have heard before but not fully understand.

"LET THEM GO" I'm yelling while being held down, "colonel I heard this girl saying an English word" i'm brought to the person that seems like the leader, he looks exactly like Na'vi but why would a Na'vi do this unless he's not originally one.

"This man we know he is in these In this village?" He speaks Na'vi but not well. "What word did she say" he questions me, "ass" I laugh at the sound of the word, "you know English?" He looks at me "no I don't all I know is ass ass ass" one of his partners laughed.

"You know this man?" He showed me Jake Sully, "you,monkey boy tell them that he is not here, he is a forest clan, and we're a different clan" I look at the human boy surprisingly he knows Na'vi he can even speak it well and understand it. "Burn the village and give her a cut on her arm as a sign" he points at me, crap "No!!!".

I'm screaming as they burn the shacks up, one of them took my arm and cut it with something sharp, I'm yelling I don't know how loud I am yelling or how quiet I'm yelling.

They left while I'm losing blood not that much since I kept moving while they were trying to cut, "dad" i run up to him and hug him, "Uitani oh my daughter" he looks at me to check if I'm hurt then he sees my cut "did they do this" he grabs my arm, I hiss "yes" I close my eyes.

I'm brought back to the other side, I'm in my shack. mother stitching the cut up, "you Skxawng" she says, "if that was your way of saying I miss you and are you okay. I'm okay and I missed you too" she brings me in for a hug. I see Neteyam outside signing "can we talk?" "Mum can I go now I don't want to be locked up in here forever" she pats my back as a sign to say you can go.

Neteyam pov during the attack

I over hear the chief talking with my father, "what's wrong?" Father asks "sky people" my eyes widen.

"Their looking for you Jake Sully, south" I think he said south, "they have a human boy who speaks Na'vi" spider immediately comes in my mind, "did they kill anybody?" Dad sighs "not yet, but my daughter is at that village we heard screams" Uitani no.shit.

I bump into Tsireya going to the chiefs shack. "She's on there" she's moving her arms up and down, "you know Uitani she won't give up easily" I calm her down.

"That's the thing she won't give up so she probably did something stupid and got hurt". "where's the chief?" I look around, "I think he went to the Ta'unui village since the sky people left".

I see Uitani the chiefs holding her, people are looking at her, Tsireya tried to go to her but Aonung stopped her and told her to let her get rest.

I didn't stop though, I secretly went to her shack and I saw her getting stitched up "can we talk?" I sign to her, she sees me, "mum can I go now I don't want to be locked up in here forever" I half smile knowing she still had her humor.

Hello, so the English part where the avatars are speaking I did it like This so this means they are speaking English

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