Chapter 12/ Rats

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“You shouldn’t be out this late.” you spoke while walking into the ministry bar. You had noticed The cardinal hadn't checked into his quarters for the night, so you decided to come looking for him in case anything was wrong.

“I'm sorry Querido, I was just trying to clear up some thoughts before bed, that's all.” He replied, a third rat scurrying across the counter top over to him, accepting the slow thoughtful brush of the cardinal's hand as he reached out to pet it.

You walked over to the bar, taking a seat next to him. “You don’t have to apologize Cardi, we all need that from time to time.” You spoke, watching the rat appear from what seems like nowhere, letting out a small chuckle at the site before speaking again. “These guys really seem to like you, huh?”

The cardinal let out a laugh, looking comforted and happy in your presence. “Ya, they do… I don't really understand why I attract them so often, but it’s nice to have their company sometimes, you know?.”

“Ya… sometimes you don't need another human for comfort, but instead just the acknowledgement of a small creature.” you said as you chuckled, giving one of the rats a small pet. “But seriously, if you do need me… or have anything you wanna talk about that a few rats can’t help with, I’m here, okay?” you said, now looking him in the eyes.

“I… I know, it’s just… I don't know, I have so much pressure to be great like my brothers, better even, yet I don’t know if I can do it." He said, suddenly opening up to me. “Nihil still doesn’t think I can make a good Papa, that it was a mistake passing the title down to me. I-I… I want to prove him wrong but… I don’t think I can. He stuttered out, trying to hide the choke in his words, covering his eyes with his hands.

“Cardinal I… It’s okay…” you respond, hesitantly leaning over to pull the man into an embrace, feeling horrible for him.

You had noticed the way he has been treated by the higher ups since the moment he arrived here at the ministry.

It Isn’t fair how they assume he won’t make anything of himself, just because he is different from the others, when the others weren’t even all that alike to begin with as well.

“You are you, cardinal, not your brothers, not Nihil, not anyone else. Just you. So don’t try to be anyone else and focus on showing the world, Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus IV, instead, alright?” You say, making him look you in the eyes, hoping he is able to take in those words and replace any negative thoughts with positive ones.

Copia just looked at you, his eyes a bit red from holding back tears. He didn't know what to say, how to respond to all the kind words given to him, because honestly no one besides you has ever sat down and helped him like this, and instead just told him to get over it and toughen up.  
"Sirius I…. Thank you so much, honestly." He said, his eyes moving to fall upon you. "Ever since I've been given this title you have always made it your job to check up on me… to be a friend, I-I… thank you, dearly." He spoke again, putting his hand on yours. 

You looked up at him, noticing the gloved hand now on yours, not knowing how to react. "You don't have to thank me Copia, it's the least I could do, you deserve help when you need it, just like anyone else here."

"I… you're right, but still I give you all my gratitude." He said, a smile breaking it's way through his tough act. "But while we are at it, there is another thing that's bothering me." He added, looking at the ground as he spoke, his hand gripping tighter onto yours.

"Alright then, I'll try my best to help, alright? Just throw it at me." You reassured.
He looked at you, letting out a small chuckle while he tapped his fingers along your hand for comfort. "Obviously you know about the talk of the new album, that I'm supposed to have it ready by June… but I… I can't think of anything to write about, nothing that sparks something good I…. I just can't do it and we have a month left." he spoke, starting to sound stressed and overwhelmed again.

You look at him, pondering what to say as a response, then that's when it hit you.

Or scurried over you.

Another rat had come from the shadows and brushed against your hand, letting out a little squeak as it scurried about.
"Rats" you said, looking at Copia with a small gleam in your eyes.

"Rats? What do you mean?" He responded, looking down at the now four rats sitting on the counter sniffing for food, a confused expression plastered on his face.

"Rats, you can use them as inspiration." You said, looking up at him. “You can make the album about rats, maybe even base a theme around symbolism to them, like the plague.” You continued, smiling brightly because of your idea.

He looked at you, thinking for a moment before letting a huge grin onto his face. “What could have possibly given you such an idea?” he said sarcastically, letting out a chuckle as he placed a piece of cheese on the counter for the rats waiting patiently around him with his free hand. “But seriously, that’s a great idea, thanks dear.” he said with a laugh. “Besides If I keep attracting these guys I might as well embrace it”

You laughed in response, not realizing how close you two had now gotten, that your hands were still connected until just now, leaving you with a tint of red on your cheeks. “You’re right, the rats have chosen your destiny, huh?”

“Mhm, they sure did.” Copia said with a chuckle, standing up from the stoll he was seated in, helping you up from your seat as well. “Well, we should get off to our quarters, we have a lot of writing to do tomorrow, so we better rest up.” He continued, looking at you with a new inspired look in his eyes that made you smile.

“I-I you’re right, don't want any cloudy heads all day.” You spoke, letting out a small yawn. “Goodnight Copia, sleep well.” you said, now walking to the door, leaving the ministry bar to head to your quarters, leaving The Cardinal behind for a minute to say goodbye to the rats, before he went off to his own room for the night.

The Light In The Sky (Cardinal Copia X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now