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"Stop it Jay! I'm gonna choke"

"No you won't Katie"

"Yes I am, if you keep splashing water on me!" I say angrily

"kids, it's time to get out, y'all have had enough time inside the pool"

"but mom!"

"No time to get out!"

"Fine! Race you inside!" Jay says.

I raced after him. We have spent our whole summer like this, pool days and races, sometimes beach days and theme parks.

Summer was ending, soon we would start our first day of middle school. Jay and I have known each other since we were in our mothers stomachs, our parents were best friends since they were children, so we were very close. We were the greatest best friends. Inseparable.


We were running around the park playing tag, my long brown hair was tangled into a ponytail with yellow ribbons. My yellow shorts were filled with dirt, so was my white embroidered shirt.

"You can"t... WOAH!"

I fell to the ground, a heavy body was on top of me

"UGH sorry I didn't know you were going to be that slow " I look into a pair of light brown eyes staring at my eyes.

"IM NOT SLOW! OW" Jay looked into my eyes, then all of a sudden the few inches between us was closed.

"EW! GET OFF OF ME!" "MOM!" I was crying, my cheeks filled with tears, a boy just kissed me!

And it was Jay! My first kiss was my best friend.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"N...Nothing I fell can we go home"

"Oh sweetie its no big deal, I don't see any scrapes you're 12 and you're complaining? Go with Jay"

"NO! No mom I want to go home"

"I'm so sorry sweetie here I have a band aid, put it on while I call Jay" says Jay's mom.

" Jay where are you? We're leaving!" "Y...yes mom im coming"

We got into the car I sat in the back, I coukd see Jay coming,

"K...Katie i'm sor..."

"Leave me alone!" I said,

"oh ok" he says.


Days passed, I stayed inside locked in my room, I was very mad at Jay. He and his family always came, but I ignored him. On our last week of summer, Jay's family and mine were having a picnic at the lake.

"We have good or bad news for you, Daniel you already know of course!" said Jay's dad, Dave.

"We are moving to New York due to my business promotion" said Dave.

This news made me burst into tears, I would never see my best friend again.

"Honey it's ok we will come back in about 5 or 6 years"

"What!?!?" I screamed, "Sweetie im sorry but that's how life is, you two will see each other again. We're not leaving until 2 days"

I ran and cried Jay screamed after me and called my name. I ran inside our lake house, and I locked myself in my room and cried.

It was a Sunday which meant church day.

"Good morning honey, oh sweetie look at you, are you ok? If it makes you feel better you're going to spend this day with Jay, after church we're having dinner with them, and go to the amusment park after it." said my mom.

"Now go take a shower!" she commanded.

I took a long, warm shower. I was deeply depressed, I was mad at Jay for two things, he kissed me and he's leaving me.

I brushed my hair, my natural curls bounced. My hair wasn't that curly, only in the tips. My mom made me change into my favorite dress, it was pink with embroiders at the bottom. I put on a pink ribbon on my head.

Church ended , and we were now headed to a fancy restaurant. The adults talked, while me and Jay stayed quiet.

"Hey sweetie why don't you go to the restroom so you can change?"

My mom had brought me an extra pair of clothes for the amusment park. I was now wearing my hair up in a messy bun, wearing a pair of red overalls.

We were now at the amusment park,

"You kids go have fun, here are 30 tickets so you can get on any ride you two want and $10, we're going to be over by the funnel cake stand, so don't worry" said Dave handing us the tickets and money.

"Katie, I...I'm sorry about what happened, it was an accident I promise, please don't be mad at me anymore, pretty please."

"Ok" I said

"Let's go to the roller coaster!"

We spent the whole afternoon getting on different rides. After a while we were walking, then all of a sudden he disappeared. I got scared, I started to panic


"AAAHHH" I screamed, "Don't ever scare me like that!"

"Here you go!" he said holding up a cotton candy for me.

"Thank You!"

"You're welcome! I know how much you love cotton candy!"

We walked in silence while I ate my cotton candy, it was dark already and we had two tickets left, I spotted our parents sitting down in a table from a long distance eating funnel cake, hmm they stayed behind.

"ooo let's go to the balloon throwing game"

we had 3 rounds to hit the clowns in the stomach. I went first but lost, it was Jay's turn and he won a white bear holding a heart with the words I love you written on it.

"Here you go!"

"It's so cute and fluffy, I love it! Thank you! race you to our parents."

We got to the table where they were sitting.

"Alright kids, time to say goodbye!" I felt a huge lump in my throat, I started sobbing.

"Bye Jay" I said,

"Bye katie" said Jay hugging me tightly.

"Before I go, I bought you this" he was holding the most beautiful locket, I opened it and saw a picture of us two.

"Goodbye Katie"

"Bye Jay"


I still remember the day Jay left perfectly.


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