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"So how has your life been without me? I bet it was terrible, because Prince Charming wasn't here"

"Oh shut up, you're no Prince Charming. You're ugly as crap!"

"You hurt my feelings, we all know that's not true!" Jay said with a pained expression. "Let's not change the subject, how was it?"

"Well it's been alright I guess... It wasn't the same without you though..." It was true. It hasn't been the same without him.

"Well it wasn't great being separated from you..."


An awkward silence fell in. This was awkward. Very awkward.

"So wanna go grab some.... hmm McDonald's?"

My eyes instantly lit up, don't judge me but I love that place! I don't get why people hate that place! I mean sure everything is greasier than your hair not being washed for a month. But seriously their fries are to die for.

"YESS!!!! Let's go! Can you pwease give me a piggy ride?" I said giving him a cute smile.

"Argh fine!"



"Stop it Jay! I'm serious, you need to put me down! I'm warning you Dallas! You better put me down this instant, or I'll kick you in the nuts!"

"Nah I'm fine, plus you won't dare hit these."

"Gross! You made me do this"

"Ow! The frick!"

"I warned you Jacob Samuel Dallas!"

"Well... that doesn't stop me from doing this!"

Oh no what have I gotten myself into?

"Get ready!!!"

Suddenly everything felt cold. I had splashed into the cold pool. Argh! That grasshole, he's gonna pay for this.

"HELP! I...I'm drow....drowning!!!" I said kicking up and coughing violently.

"Shit! Hold on Kate!"

And that my friends, is called great acting skills.

He took of his shirt and splashed into the water. He headed to me and picked me up and took me out of the water.

"Katie wake up! Are you okay? Please talk? What have I done?"

He was suddenly leaning towards me. Crap! I forgot we took safety lessons during our summer camp when we were 12. And right now he was going to give me mouth to mouth! Holy fudge nuggets!

I opened my eyes and put my hands onto his hard chest and pushed him into the water.

Now that is payback.

"What was that for?!?!"

"Payback. I mean you don't just throw me into the water without expecting payback." I said smirking.

"Still old Katie"

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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