Chapter 2

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The sun shines down on the decrepit barn, through the hole in the roof it lights up Mable's stall, I drop a pile of hay in Mable's stall. The trough that sits under the hole is partially empty. I'll need to fill that soon. "Nesta! What have you done?" Papa growls, the sound rough with anger it makes me shrink at the sound of his stomping steps.

"What are you talking about Papa?" I flush as he appears in the doorway of the stall, features bright red, a vein bulged out in his forehead. The rabbit pelt is clutched tightly in his hand, he shakes it angrily in my direction.

"Tell me you didn't go hunting on your own young lady." His broad shoulders fill the door in a menacing way, blocking me from leaving as he shakes the pelt again. Shame fills me in an instant at the anger and disappointment on his features.

"I'm sorry Papa, but you needed more than what you've-"

"I told you- you never-" Papa starts out with a holler, he's cut off by a thick fit of coughs. He clutches the wall, gasping for breath, a tear leaks from his eyes as he struggles for breath.

"Papa, sit down, please take it easy." I fret as I move to his side only to be waved off with a worried glare.

"I told you to never go hunting- not in these woods. It's dangerous, especially at night." His eyes blaze hot with madness. "Foolish girl, what were you thinking? I outta-" He's cut off again by another round of mucus filled coughs. "I outta... take you over my knee and paddle you." I flush at his words as I try to urge him to sit down. He swats at my hand, shaking his head with a growing frown.

"I'm sorry-"

"I told you, never go hunting alone and you disobey me Nesta." My chest throbs at his words as I once more reach for him to try to get him to sit down.

"Papa, please- I know I wasn't supposed to. But I can't sit back and watch you die- I don't-"

"I don't want excuses young lady." Papa growls, swatting my hand away with the pelt. He moves to sit down on the milking stool, wiping at his features with his old rag he takes a moment to catch his breath. I can't just sit by while you let yourself die. A bubble of anger and frustration forms in the pit of my belly. He refuses for the town doctor to come check on him. I don't know what else to do.

"Where did you hunt? Please tell me you weren't foolish enough to hunt by the cavern." I can't respond as I look away, my features flush bright red. "Answer me young lady." He snarls, grabbing my wrist in a punishing grip.

"I'm sorry Papa- I didn't have-"

"You shouldn't have! Foolish, foolish girl! What have you done!?" He cries out, jumping up as quick as his frail body will allow.


"I don't want to hear a word from you!" Papa snarls, eyes filled with rage as he shakes my arm harshly, his nails dig into my skin painfully.


"Enough! I've warned you many a times that you are never allowed out to the cavern- it's dangerous for newcomers, you're lucky you weren't beheaded! Or worse, kidnapped." He vibrates with anger, he drops my arm as if it's burned him. Clutching it to my chest I hold the already forming bruise tenderly. What's gotten into him?

I step back away from him, shaken from the stark change in him as he paces angrily down the aisle of the barn, muttering an angry rant. I just wanted to help. "Did he speak?" He growls and I stare at him lost.

"Speak? What are you on about Papa? You're scaring me." My voice cracks in fear as he stops to stare at me with a cold calloused stare.

"Answer me! Did he speak?" He speaks slow as if I'm a young child unable to understand his words properly.

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