Special Chapter: Cute and little Santa-chan

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

The place was in chaos.

"Move! Move! Move! There's not much time left!" Nervous sweat ran down my forehead as I desperately moved my subordinates around the village.

"Sir, yes sir!" Even though they were carrying heavy-looking things on their arms and panting heavily from exhaustion, all of the people under my command nodded eagerly. The determination and loyalty on their expressions was truly moving. I should give them a reward... no, I don't have time to think about that! "Benimaru!" I called out to my reliable right-hand man, who was standing a couple of meters away from me shouting commands to other monsters.

"Yes, Rimuru-sama?!" The tall ogre approached me in an instant with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.

"Give me a status report!" I extended my arm forward.

"Yes!" Benimaru nodded briefly to my command and cleared his throat before turning his eyes toward his clipboard. "We have approximately 55% of the preparations ready. The workers seem to be experiencing unforeseen complications while preparing everything you ordered."

"Complications?!" My eyes turned as wide as saucers as the fear of the possibility of not finishing in time engraved further into my mind. It was already considerably late. We would only have at most a couple of hours more to get everything ready, but we've been working on this for more than 8 hours! No matter how I think about it, there's no way we'll be done! Of course, the possibility of me stopping time is always there, but... yeah, that would definitely bring unwanted trouble and annoying individuals in the future, so I have to leave it as a last resort! "Why are they having so much trouble?!" I turned my attention toward Benimaru once again.

"My lord... I apologize in advance if this sounds rude, but I believe the root of the issue is that your instructions are too vague, and use terms we are not familiar with..." My eyes were still wide open, but for a different reason this time. "For example, Rimuru-sama, you instructed us to, and I quote, 'Build a Santa-themed store,' end of quote. The workers under my command have expressed how they do not really have an idea of what it is they need to build... Until now, we have somehow managed to prepare everything else with the help of Veldora-sama and Shizu-dono, but..."

"Aaaaaaargh!!!!" Am I really that big of an idiot?! I fell to my knees, despairing at my own stupidity. There's no way the people from another world would know what I'm talking about!

"Rimuru-sama?!" Benimaru's face twisted in confusion and concern as I grabbed my head and screamed in despair. No, it's too late to give up! She entrusted me with this task!

I will take care of things over here and I'll keep her busy until it's time! I'll leave the rest to you! I clearly remember what Ciel said before entering the imaginary space with her.

That's right, I can't give up! I stood up from my despair and faced Benimaru. "Everything will be alright," I could hear Benimaru gasping in awe at my newly found confidence, but I ignored him. "Bring Shizu-san and Veldora here!"

"Right away, Rimuru-sama!" He gave me a respectful bow before running off somewhere.

"I can do this... I'll do it, Ciel! Just you watch!"


(Shizu's Perspective)

"He... collapsed faster than I expected."

"Yes... I agree..." I had no choice but to nod my head in agreement to Veldora-san's words. That's because, right in front of us...


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