A good professor

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Jake's pov:

I don't know what took over me.

Hearing that this Gemma girl asked for Heeseung's number surprised me deeply. Maybe I was shocked that just a makeover could produce this kind of results. Maybe I was surprised about the girl's boldness. Whichever it was, I immediately calmed down when I saw Heeseung's horrified face.

"Sorry, I was distracted and misunderstood what you were saying," I say, trying to make up for my sudden burst of emotion.

"Are you sure the simulations idea was good? You seem out of it."

"No, no. I just think we should change roles. I need to know what your game is to judge what needs amelioration."
I just said that to escape my odd behavior, but he doesn't look annoyed anymore, suddenly, he looks anxious. So, I smile.
"Hey, I won't mock your replies. They're not inherently bad, it's part of your personality. When I say change, it'll be more in the intention, not necessarily the wording."

It seems to calm him down, because he relaxes and prepare to take whatever I throw to him.

We begin the next simulation, and as expected, he's doing so bad. He's just so cold and expeditious it's impossible to connect with him.

The only good thing is that his facial expressions aren't too hard to read.

"I don't understand what you're saying at all! I don't understand what I'm supposed to change! I'm answering the question as they're asked!"

"Yes, but you look so annoyed doing it! Do you really want to become friends with me? I can't feel it!"

"I think we should go back to you demonstrating! I'd understand way better."

I sigh,

"Ok, but I have a hard time taking it seriously when you're acting so weird."


"Maybe you should just follow me around and see how I interact with others. What do you think?"

He pauses to think.

"Wouldn't it be weird to have me follow you?"

"No, we can just say we're friends."

"Friends...yeah, ok. Let's do that."

"But we'll still have to do simulations so I can see how you improve."

This time, he's the one to sigh,

"Ok, whatever..."

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