If The Price Is Right...(3)

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Four days had passed since Amelie had agreed to sell her body. Four days that she'd spent shut up in her bedsit, petrified that George and Lewis were waiting outside to pounce on her.

She'd called in sick to work on the Wednesday and Thursday. She never normally took a sick day, she couldn't afford to, but she knew she had money coming. She could now afford to have a few days off.

Now the day had finally arrived. It was Saturday and it was the day she'd be meeting Sebastian for sex. She was meeting him at the club at 8pm and she would be his until the club shut at 2am. Six hours of pleasuring him and being pleasured by him...she wasn't just nervous, she was petrified.

After she'd told him that she agreed he'd told her that he would arrange everything. He'd sounded...weird. Maybe he'd been in a meeting or something? He'd cut the call short and she'd been left wondering if he was having second thoughts. She hoped not. She needed this money. One night with him and then she'd be out of there. He'd texted her half an hour later asking her clothes size and her shoe size . She'd told him, remembering that he'd said he would choose her clothing.

The following day he'd texted her, telling her that it was all arranged for Saturday night. He would meet her in the VIP room at 8 pm, and that she should get there earlier so she could get ready for him. She hadn't heard a word from him since.

Knowing that money wouldn't be a concern after that night, she'd booked a taxi to take her to work. That way she wouldn't have to walk on the Main Street and increase the risk of being spotted by George and Lewis. They obviously didn't know where she lived or they'd have been round by now. Then after the club shut she could get a lift back from Daniel. Tomorrow she'd pack her backpack up and leave this life behind her. She didn't know where she was going, maybe it would be nice to live in a little village by the coast, she'd always loved the sea. It was the only thing she'd miss about Southampton. 

At about half past five she went for a shower. She shaved her legs and her armpits, she even gave herself a trim down there. She shampooed and conditioned her hair, then got out, pulled her dressing gown on and made her way back to her room.

Knowing that Sebastian had arranged an outfit for her, she wasn't worried about what she wore. She put on a matching black pair of pants and bra, a pair of jeans, a plain blue vest and her favourite dark grey hoodie.

Wondering what to do with her hair, she decided on a French braid. She was ready a good ten minutes before the taxi  was due to collect her.

She decided she needed a drink for courage. She went to the fridge and pulled out the premixed can of vodka and coke that had been in there for a couple of weeks. She opened it and drained it in one.

What if he didn't show? What if he did and was disappointed? Had the club ever had a client refuse to pay because he'd been left unsatisfied?

She began to pace up and down the room. She kept telling herself that it would soon be over. She'd soon be leaving Southampton behind her. Then she felt a sadness engulf as she realised that after tonight she'd never see Sebastian again.

She wasn't in love with him, she wasn't that naive, she didn't know him, but there was something about him. The way he looked at her, they way he'd touched her and kissed her...in another life she believed they could have had something special. Not in this life though. He didn't want a woman in his life, and even if he did he wouldn't want one that had been willing to sell herself. And she was far from ready to rely on another man. She finally had her freedom from Evan and she was determined never to be dependent on a anyone again.

A minute before the taxi was due to arrive she locked up and headed downstairs. It was already waiting. She got in the back and told the middle aged woman driver where she wanted to go. She didn't give the name of the sex club, just the street name, she was ashamed of what she was, even though she knew she shouldn't be.

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