Chapter 7.

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A/N: Here's another chapter.



1 Year Later. (No one's POV.)

Hermione's life quickly changed after having Scorpius, things with Draco become different, that night started something. It wasn't a proper relationship and they weren't in love but they had feelings they couldn't explain, he didn't like the attraction he felt for her and she was confused by the feeling of both hate and attraction, which caused arguments and disagreements.

Bellatrix started taunting her with Leopold, she had started visiting the Manor more, making to sure to only bring Leo with her. She had almost exposed the truth one night when she hinted to the truth but no one had said anything, luckily.

Ginny had given birth 5 weeks later, a daughter called Katherine Molly Zabini and a week before that Pansy had her twins, a boy and a girl called Phoebe Louise and Samuel Fredrick Parkinson. Ginny and Hermione had frequent play dates with their children.

Luna had quickly gotten pregnant with her second child and was currently 6 months pregnant, Astoria was also 4 months pregnant with her second child, Having her son had mellowed her out and she had become more mature but still had her dopey moments still.

Things in the past couple of months had gotten darker, Death Eater meetings had started becoming frequent and most of them were held at Malfoy Manor, which scared Hermione.


Hermione woke to a crying Scorpius, she quickly gets out of bed and goes into Scorpius' nursery, where Scorpius sits crying in his crib, she picks him up and places him on her hip before walking out of his nursery and taking him to the kitchen which was always safer than the dining room, where most of the meetings were.

Hermione places Scorpius into his high chair and makes him some cereal and gives it to him. Hermione takes the time to also eat, Scorpius plays with his cereal which makes a mess. "Let's get you cleaned up mister." Hermione says with a smile as she takes him out of his high chair which makes him giggle.

Hermione quickly bathes Scorpius and puts him into his clothes, a blue top and green dungarees with green shoes. Scorpius' birthday had been the day before and the clothes had been a present from Ginny who was supposed to be coming around today. They mostly stayed in Scorpius' nursery or in the common room that had been baby proofed.

Hermione is playing with Scorpius on his mat when she feels someone looking at her, she turns and sees Draco, he looks both happy but glum, Hermione gets off the floor and walks over to Draco. "Are you alright?" Hermione asks as she notices his mood, he frowns. "I've got to go on a mission." Draco says with a sigh, Hermione shakes her head angrily. "You mean they asked and you said yes." Hermione says, Draco sighs.

"I can't exactly say no." Draco says. "Yes you can, you have a child, the rest of them are old and don't have kids." Hermione says with a frown. "I need to get out of here anyway." Draco says, Hermione laughs sarcastically. "You mean get away from me." Hermione says with a glare. "Seriously? Oh whatever, you think what you want." Draco says with shake of his head. "What does it matter anyway, I did my job, that's all that matters, right?" Hermione says as she becomes angry.

"Job? What are you talking about?" Draco asks. "I gave you an heir, that's all I'm here for." Hermione says with a glare. "For the supposedly Smartest Witch you are really stupid." Draco says, Hermione gasps quietly. "Oh please, you've barely touched me since I had Scorpius except when we have to." Hermione say with a frown, Draco rolls his eyes. "This is so childish, I'm going." Draco says before he walks away. "Sure, I'm childish but you can't even finish a conversation." Hermione says, which makes Draco turn around.

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