Chapter 1

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The clouds were hanging low and dark, threatening to pour at just the snap of a finger. A dangerous fog crept through the forest, concealing everything in its path. A two story home in a medium-income town was visited by a man who was very out of place. The horse driven carriage he sat in was fit only for two. Curtains were drawn to hide the man, but the intricately stained wood that had been carefully polished, and the driver who wore a dark blue coat with suit pants of the same color, looked as though the stranger should be attending a gala in the capital city of Luriel. The horse that pulled them was groomed with pristine care. Whoever this man was, he had money and wasn't afraid to flaunt it.

The house was empty except for two. Ophelia Dupont and her great aunt who was watching her while Victor and Geraldine Dupont were away at a party. They had left only two hours ago to travel to the capital city, Luriel. Ophelia was only eight and was certainly not asleep as she should have been. With her parents gone, she played with paper dolls that her father had gifted her after his left trip to Luriel.

The mysterious man stepped out of his carriage. He adjusted his black fur overcoat and hat. With a sniff, his eyes shifted to either side of him before he approached the front door. Before knocking, he pulled his glove up his wrist and gave three distinct raps.

Ophelia's head lifted at the sound. It was too late for visitors and her aunt was already asleep. With no sense of danger, she stood and pranced down the stairs. She grabbed the handle and threw the door open. The man looked surprised when he didn't see someone in front of him until he looked down, then he gave a nod. "You must be Ophelia?"

The man looked friendly enough that Ophelia answered nearly immediately. "Yes! That's me," she said with a smile. He did not reciprocate.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Dupont. Are you alone?"

Before Ophelia could answer, an old woman weathered with wrinkles and gray hair made her way down the stairs. Despite her appearance, she was quite capable. "We weren't expecting visitors, sir. My apologies, I was asleep. Ophelia, come here," she demanded.

The man's neutral face turned somber. "Forgive me for coming at such a late hour. If I could avoid such happenings, I would. But unfortunately I come bearing some rather... grim news."

The woman made it to the edge of the stairs where Ophelia met her at her side. They both stared at the man.

"Perhaps we should sit," he offered with a trembling sigh.

The three of them sat in the living area, a troubling air weighed heavy in the room. The grandfather clock that stood mighty and tall near the small fireplace ticked away to fill the silence, though tensions only felt higher.

Finally the man firmly spoke. "My name is Galamous. I was a close friend of Victor Dupont."

"My nephew? He's never mentioned you before," the old woman spit out.

"I've never had any spare time to come visit. But, given the circumstances..."

"What circumstances?" She barked, even scaring Ophelia a bit.

The man's eyes momentarily flashed with anger, but he collected himself quickly. "Ma'am, if I might speak. This is about Victor and Daria. They are..." He trailed off trying to find the right words to say. Then, he shook his head, deciding to come out with it. "Their carriage was attacked on their way to Luriel. I was on my way from the city when I found their bodies on the ground. From the looks of it, bandits attacked them and ransacked their carriage. Their horse and driver were also dead." Though his words were devastating and emotional, his face seemed so relaxed and calm.

"How in the world- No! You're lying!" The woman became agitated and stood quickly. "You have no proof of this! And how were you the first to disc-"

Galamous cut her off by holding out a silver ring with a perfectly round sapphire stone. "This was Daria's ring. I had brought it with me because it was the only defining item left. See, it has her initials engraved."

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