Ch. 0-Part 1

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Mari's POV
I walked into my brother's room and saw that he was still sleeping laying down on his side while hugging the black cat squash mellow I got him on Christmas in his pjs. I walked up to his bedside and shook him for a bit till I heard a groan from him.

Sunny's POV
I opened my eyes to see Mari shaking me and telling me something about high school and about breakfast... I groaned and closed my eyes again till I groggily rubbed my eyes while still laying down, she stopped shaking me and went away, I signed, got up and got ready, I held up a black skirt with two white lines near the bottom, and my beige colored shorts deciding which one to wear, I just wore the skirt that is down til a little bit above my knees and wore black socks with two white lines on the top and wore my black converse and took my bag. I went downstairs and was greeted by my sister. "Morning mr. grumpy!~" "Morning..." I said heading to the kitchen. We ate waffles, sunny side up eggs and some milk for breakfast, we finished at 7:25, Mari then said and turned to me and asked "Should we go early?" I nodded to her.

At the bus stop

Basil's POV
I sat down waiting for the bus to get here, I checked the time and saw that it was 7:35, as I started to grab my AirPods, I noticed two people sitting next to me, I turned and leaned over and saw a girl and a boy wearing a black skirt...? Eh? Why is he- No time to think about why! I snapped out of my thoughts when the boy leaned over and looked at me. I quickly looked the other way and sat up embarrassed, the boy sat back up and played on his Gameboy. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to my left and saw the girl looking at me and waving at me, I smiled and waved back, soon the bus came and we went on the bus with the boy in front of us.

At the school

Sunny's POV
I sat down next to the window and I put away my Gameboy and got out my iPhone and got my AirPods on and put them on and listened to [insert any Japanese or Korean music here] and closed my eyes and laid back into my seat waiting.

Basil's POV
We got out of the bus and after talking for a bit, Mari said that she will go to her building sophomore Building while the boy and I went to the freshman building and then I asked the boy "Are you new here by any chance?" The boy nodded and then we got to the office for his schedule and I checked the time and saw that 10 minutes has passed, I checked his schedule and we had the same class together for first period and second period, I grabbed his hands and led him to the first period history.

Kel's POV
The door opened and two teens came in, the first one was the flower freak and the second one looked like a goddamn emo, the flower freak then came up to the teacher and said "Sorry I'm l-late to c-class, I was g-guiding the new s-student." "It's okay, hello Sunny, I'm Mrs. Maria. Nice to meet you." The teacher then turned around facing the classroom and then Basil went to his seat next to the window then Sunny bowed and wrote on the chalkboard

My name is Sunny.
Nice to meet you all and hope we get along.

The teacher then pointed to the empty desk between me and the flower freak and erased the chalkboard. Sunny nodded to the teacher and sat down, I got annoyed that the two freaks are getting along with each other and kind of jealous about first freak(Basil) for some reason...

Basil's POV
The teacher then said that it's free time so we could do anything we want, after that Sunny dug into his backpack and pulled out a black covered what I assumed of a medium sized sketched book, he opened to the first page and showed me the sketches and drawing he drew, he smiled a bit even though it looked like he wasn't. I talked to him while we went through the sketch book while not noticing Kel glaring at me. The second bell rung and we went out and we went to our next class which was the language "Japanese" or "Korean." Which I was good enough at, but I think that Sunny might know some of it...

In the classroom

We all sat down in our assigned seats and after a minute or two the teacher Mrs. Hannah came in and wrote a three sentence on the whiteboard and looked around the classroom and pointed her pointer at Sunny, this surprised the whole class since he is just a new student and said "You! Come up here and write these three sentences in Japanese!" She yelled causing Sunny to jump a bit and walk up to the whiteboard, he raised his shaky hand up with the black marker in hand and wrote down the three in 10-15 minutes causing all of us to be shocked and surprised

The three sentences:
1-I like reading and drawing during my free time.

2-The trip we had was fun and good and we all liked it but some teenagers was acting up on the bus on the way there and back.

3-The water was boiling up in a pot on top of a stove for 10-15 minutes for hot cocoa for the kids in the living room.

Sunny quickly got to his seat and sat down and put his head down on the desk while leaning his head on his left arm and left his right arm hanging off the desk. I put my arm out to try to pat him on the back but the teacher slammed her hand down on her desk causing all of us to jump and sit down back in our chairs.

At break

After the bell rung we all got packed, after Sunny shoved his sketch book in his backpack quit hard and ran out of the classroom and ran away, I ran around the floor then went up to the rooftop and saw Sunny sitting down against the wall next to the doors and had his arms hugging his knees and his head inside his arms and legs, his backpack was on his right facing the wall. Then I heard the open and familiar voices. Shit... okay well this is where we die.

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