5- Dadza's here

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I was... Nervous.
Aimsey was alone, sitting on a bean bag in the vip lounge.
I had my note to them in my hand, my shaking hand.

I walked up to them and sat beside them on the huge bean bag.

"Hello Aries! What's up?"

I quickly handed them the note with my shaking hand, looking away while they read it.

"Hello Aims, I... Was wondering if you wanted to go on a coffee date with me?"

"I would, I would love to go on a date with you, Wednesday after the Convention?"

I nodded repeatedly, the excitement was just to much. Then I heard that it was time for them to go to the Dsmp creator pannel and I... Nerves.

Phil quickly motioned for me to come with him, we were walking to the pannel room so I sped up to walk beside him.

"I spoke with some staff and organizers of the pannel, they have a couch and snacks for you backstage, you can watch the pannel with headphones on the tv!"

I was so excited! I could support Aimsey and my brother without my anxiety getting in the way! I gave Phil a bit of a hug which isn't usually something I do but it just felt right, he smiled and hugged back.

"Glad I could help, kiddo"

We continued to walk to the pannel room, quite a large space sense there were a lot of fans wanting to see all of my brother's friends and him. I put on my headphones and turned up my music, drowning out the loud noise that could be heard from the line up of fans as we entered the room.

We got up on the stage and then backstage, I saw the couch and snacks I could sit and enjoy, along with a tv to watch the pannel on. I sat down on the couch, my brother came and sat down next to me while the others were getting their microphones set up.

"I'm glad you can watch the show while still being safe, I'm happy!"

"Me too, show starts in 5 go get ready"

Ran walked off just as Aimsey came and sat down next to me, her microphone off but still attached to her.

"You excited? No everyday you get to watch a bunch of Minecraft based twitch streamers sit at a table and get screamed at by a bunch of fandom nerds"

Aismey said, while I tried not to completely burst into a fit of laughter.

Yeah it's gonna be awesome! Now go get lined up you don't have much time!

They smiled and I didn't even have time to react to them planting a small kiss on my cheek then running off to join the others lined up...


Still in a bit of shock, I grabbed my headphones and turned my attention to the tv they were hooked up to. I saw the screen light up with the pannel table and vid con signs in the back. The pannel operator came on and introduced everyone one at a time.

My brother
My A, I mean, Aims

I watched the pannel and laughed at the stupid things my bro's friends were saying. Suddenly, a question got asked by a fan.

"So Ranboo this is for you; you have been seen with a person lately, looks like a guy but the community wasn't sure; if you don't mind are they a boyfriend or..."

Uh oh. My bro looked stunned he didn't know what to say, just then aismey took the mic from him.

"That would be none of anyone's business but if you must know, they are my partner, Sam and none of us will be taking any further questions about them"

The crowd went crazy, so did I.

Luckily they had 2 Minutes left of the pannel so everyone got rushed off stage. Meanwhile I had ran, note pad and pen in hand along with spoon.

*Pov Aimsey*

It was the only thing I could think of to say. We were rushed off stage and I went to the couch where Sam was sitting but when I goy there... They were gone?


"I know I know I'm sorry! But we we're going on a date Wednesday and I knew people would ask questions and I just thought-"

"Guys... Where's Phil and Aries?"

*Pov Phil*

I knew they went this way I saw them leave, I just hope I wasn't to late. I turned the corner and there they were, sitting beside the garbage sorting bins in a corner... Having a panick attack.

"Hey Aries, it's ok it's just me no one else... Are you ok? You're shaking"

"I-I-I... Hmm"

"It's ok, I got you alright mate? I'm gonna sit down infront of you and help you ok?"

I sat down slowly infront of the shaking person, I quickly looked to my left and saw their stuffed pig... Spoon I think? Yeah that's right, after the blade in techno blade.

"I love your little pig, he's quite adorable. You named him after technoblade right? I think Your Brother told me he was important to you, here"

I placed spoon down and Aries picked him up immediately and held him tight, calming down a bit but still shaking.

"Could I maybe... Give you a hug? Would that help?"

They nodded, I leaned in and held them close to me, I could feel their heart slowly start to slow to a regular pace. They calmed down quite fast in my arms. I hope I was helping as much as I thought I was.

Aries had fully calmed down and I went to release them from the hug, but they just clung to me and started sobbing.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok mate, I'm here... Let it all out ok?"

Dadza's here

Poet And Their Muse (Aimsey Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now