Chapter 5

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  I rolled over and turned my alarm off. I carefully slid out of bed praying that I didn't wake up Sire.

  "Where ya goin?" Damn, I proceeded to my bulit in bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face, I helped Sire do the same. We raced down the stairs and ran to the kitchen. He poured the dogs food into their bowls while I refilled their water. While he washed his hands and played with the dogs I made breakfast. Haley already left for school, so I called in to tell them I couldn't come.

  Since I couldn't come in the boss let me Skype him instead. I let Sire and the dogs out into the gated backyard. I put on a nice top and did my makeup and hair.
  "Hello, you are De'arrea correct?" The man was old and white.

  "Correct sir." I played around with my hands under the table. I was lowkey nervous. He shuffled through some papers before clearing his throat.

  "If you don't mind me asking, why couldn't you come in today?" I looked at Sire through the glass to make sure he was okay before answering.

  "I'm babysitting my little brother and nobody could watch him for me." He nodded his head. I was lowkey nervous as hell.

  "Does he live with you?" He was asking some weird ass questions.

  "No, I'm just babysitting."

  "I don't see a reason why not to hire you. Come down Sunday morning for a quick training lesson, you'll start the following Monday." I thanked him and said goodbye before hanging up.
I changed into some leggings and a muscle shirt since it was starting yo heat up.

  "Sire!" I packed some toys into his book bag while he came in from outside. "Go get dressed and come straight back down, we're taking Genesis and Jazzy to the park." I watched him run up the stairs, while he was getting dressed I packed dog treats in my purse and put shoes and leashes on the dogs. I felt sad that I was leaving behind So So and Devil behind but I can't watch over all five of them.
I buckled Sire up then loaded the dogs in.

  "Sire don't run too far!". I sat on a bench and finished eating my ice cream. Jazzy laid in my lap while Genesis laid in the grass, tanning.

  "Haven't seen you lil ugly ass in weeks." I turned around behind me and seen Ken.

  "I'm not ugly, fufu ass nigga." I pushed him as he sat next to me. Genesis growled and Jazzy barked at him when he punched me in the shoulder.

  "Yo dogs vicious ma." I laughed and hugged him, showing the dogs we were friends. They laid back down and played with each other.

  "Only when needed, I got two more tho. So, don't fuck with me. What are you doing here?" I tied up my converse, and watched Sire play with a nappy headed lil boy.

  "I was just walkin around when I seen Bae. What about you?"

  "Who's Bae?" I knew it was me, and if it wasn't I hope he was a fast runner. I'll have Genesis on his ass.

  "You! Now why you here shawty?" I rolled my eyes as he pulled me closer and draped his arms around my shoulders.

  "I'm here with my lil brotha. Here he come." I watched as he ran over in our direction, but tripped over Genesis. He got up and ran the rest of the way over here.

  "Hey Ken, whatchu doing here?" I watched as they slapped high fives. Sire climbed into my lap and pushed Ken's arm from around my shoulders, then wrapped his around my waist. Daddy had to have taught him that, I'm on his ass next time I see him.
"I know ya sista, so I stopped by to say wassup." He nodded his head then grabbed Genesis leash from me. I watched as he took her around the walking path, weird ass lil nigga.

  "How you know Sire?" I asked him as he played with Jazzy.

  "Daphne and my sista model togetha and they best friends." I laughed as he pulled me close again.

  "Lemme chill with you and my lil homie today." I thought about it and agreed.

  "Sire, come on lil dude we leavin!" He came back, Ken helped me get everybody in the car. I stopped at the gas station and put gas in my car then rolled up to Chipotle.

  "Can you stay in the car with all them, I'll get you some food too."

  "Yea, and here. Keep the change." He handed me a fifty, I sniffed it on the low. Or so I thought, I blushed as he laughed at me.

  "Don't laugh my daddy got me hooked on the smell of money. When I see it or feel it, I just gotta sniff it." I stuffed the money in my pocket and grabbed my phone.

  "You weird as hell bae." I nudged his shoulder.

  "Shut up, but thanks for paying." I got out and walked into the restaurant.

  I ordered four burritos, two sprites, and one fruity juice thing. I paid with the money Ken gave me then walked back out to the car. I got the dogs out the car while Ken got Sire and the food. I unlocked the door, So So and Devil immediately started barking at Ken.

  "Hey, chill out! Go outside!" I pointed to the door and they walked over by the patio with their heads down, I let all four of them out into the backyard with Sire. I put his food and drink on the patio table and reminded him not to give any to the dogs.

  "Damn, you got four of them muthafuckas? When did you get dogs and move?" I laughed as we sat down on the couch and unwrapped our burritos. He had two with his fat ass.

  "I moved in yesterday, I just got my babies last week. All at the same time." I sipped my drink.

  "You not a strippa is you?" I shook my head and choked a lil on my burrito. "How the hell you get this nice ass house? And them expensive ass dogs? You movin dope huh?" I punched him in the shoulder and turned from the Disney show.

  "No, it was a gift from my daddy." He pulled me closer to him as he finished up Hus burrito, I could only eat half of mine.

  "You a daddy's girl." He stated it like a fact. It was true, except I was a spoiled daddy's girl.

  "How'd ya know?"

  "You called him daddy, he got you this nice ass house and four dogs. And probably that nice ass car outside, it speaks for itself." I pulled away from him. I didn't like the way he was sayin this shit, he sounded salty and judgemental.

  "Yes he did, and? He's my dad and I'm the only girl he has! I don't ask for this shit he just gives it to me! I'm greatful as hell, I just got a job at a restaurant. I'm halfway there to bring fully dependent. If you gotta problem you can leave."

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