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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥


Tuesday finally came and wonho has been locked up all day in his office working on the deal for Mr.Min.

I didn't have much to do today. Ran a few errands. E-woo came over to keep me company. 

Me: We haven't heard from wonho all day. Do you think he's doing good? She we bring him some food.

Truth is... after going to the charity event and eating dinner with him. He's been on my mind non stop and that was two days ago. We've text consistently. He even sent me selfies of him working out in the gym.

So I guess i felt a little deprived today since We couldn't communicate continuously do to him being very busy.

I puased the tv show i was watching looking over to E-woo who was sitting across from me on the couch. He looked up from his phone mugging me

E-woo: Dude... wonho is good. whats been up with you? This has to be the 5th time you've asked about him since I got here. He's just working... If he needed something we'd know.

I frowned

Me: Damn i was just checking no need to be aggressive. 

He shrugged

E-woo: Your the one being thirsty... The kitchen's right there. go get you some water

The remote fell out of my hand and my mouth flew open as i watched him point his finger in the direction of my kitchen

I scuffed

Me: E-woo, it was never that deep I really don't see why you're all triggered over this

E-woo: Dude I've watched you too lip lock with your eyes lately. You both say there's nothing going on but obviously somebody is fucking lying. Not to mention you have been bringing him up in every conversation we've had in the past two days. 

Me: Okay.... if we did have something going on which we DON'T.. it's not your business so we really wouldn't have to tell you shit. And whats so wrong with bring him up

E-woo: First off i could care less if you two were a thing or not. Second it's annoying as hell. We've both been busy on different missions and when we do hang its wonho this and wonho that.. damn

i gasped

Me: are you jealous

E-woo: Hell fucking no!!!...I don't have a reason to be. We both know that if there was a slight chance that the two of us were interested in each other romantically i could have you here and now and nobody would make me believe otherwise. 

Me: so whats the problem

E-woo: the problem is you too are getting a little too close and it's annoying. It's like having too best friends who are slowly distancing themselves from you bc they're stuck up each other's ass!

Me: Too close? If i decided to do anything with wonho it's my business your opinion doesn't matter! what we do has absolutely nothing to do with you.

E-woo: Nothing to do with me!? Yeah right you wouldn't have even met him if if wasn't for me! IM THE ONE WHO BROUGHT YOU TWO TOGETHER! You should be thanking me



I sat up triggered.

Me: You know what.... I think you should leave

he gasped

E-woo: Wow.... so you get confronted and want to run away from the argument

I shook my head gripping my sweats

Me: You know e-woo... since I've met you. Life has actually been better i will admit. I have an actual roof over my head and although it's not the best occupation I actually was given an opportunity to make money. Even so I will not.... thank you. 

He looked hurt

Me: did you think i'd just forget how that night went down... did you think because life was good I'd ignore how everything played out. 

He looked guilty and started pushing his body into the couch more

Me: Because the real truth is... while im benefitting from this i most certainly didn't have a choice... Remember wonho's words. "Work for me or die". I remember how neutral your face was as you lied to him telling him my partner got away. But we both know you let her go and till this day I still want to know why... Why you felt she deserved to be let free with a few racks. 

I squeezed my hands closed so tight, my knuckles were turning white.

E-woo: Jas...

Me: No! The truth is i hated her so much but i was in a bad place in life. I thought if i went along and put my faith in her she'd actually have my back but i was wrong......I was homeless for Christ sake. It was my last option! Every time i think about that moment i can't help but feel like a part of me should hate you too. No matter how close we've grown I've always felt like there's something that doesn't really make sense. You talked to me on the first day driving to his office telling me how much of a good person he was and how you respected him yet you lied to him so easily. You're either a shitty excuse for a bestfriend after everything he's done for you or there's something you know that you aren't telling others. 

I spoke getting everything I've been wanting to get off my chest for the past week out. I've been observant and E-woo's actions started to slip up around the time wonho invited us to dinner to speak about his dad..

I stared at him as he sat looking like he was thinking over all of his life choices. 

E-woo: Okay..... That day I wasn't truthful, but i don't regret it. I'd do anything for wonho and I felt i did the right thing. 

I grew fustrated

Me: what the fuck are you even talking about.

he sighed

E-woo: Fine I'll come clean, I knew exactly who she was when I let her go. I hate that bitch with a passion. The only thing I genuinely regret is letting her take some of the money. I should have kicked her ass to the curb high and dry. Stupid bitch. Im surprised she didn't remember me. She definitely knew what she was doing when she picked a location owned by Wonho to rob.

Me eyes went wide

Me: wha- who is she to you?

He chuckled drly

E-woo: To me.... no one. But wonho....... 

he paused looking at me before speaking

"She's his ex fiancé"

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