Ayame Kageyama

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Marcus was walking around, his mind already processing the fact that any one of his supposed classmates could be a killer.

He was pacing around the hallway, to where the dormitories usually were held. His focus was broken by a voice coming from one of the rooms. When he opened the door, he saw that it was Ayame Kageyama, the Ultimate Rapper in a mumbling rant.

Marcus walked in the room, and Ayame seemingly didn't notice, continuing to mumble in a rant, that was indescribable to Marcus. Her face said it all. She was worried. Extremely worried.

Marcus: "Ayame? You alright?"

Ayame: "Oh! Marcus! Hey.. You feeling okay?"

Marcus was surprised by the response, but figured that he could at least check in.

Marcus: "I was about to ask you the same thing. You seemed to be in a deep discussion with yourself."

Ayame: "Oh. You heard that? Ah.. I didn't think anyone would hear me."

Marcus: "You know, this is the first time I've heard you speak, not in a rhyme sentence."

Ayame, was suddenly silent and stared at Marcus for what seemed like minutes, before speaking again.

Ayame: "It's expected of my brand.. The record company gave me my big break, under the condition I uphold this specific image they want me to do."

Marcus: "Image? What do you mean?"
Questioning, confused.

Ayame: "Ah.. Did you think I always looked like this? Talked with a rhyme every sentence? This was the image.. I didn't start out this way, mind you."
Softly chuckling.

Marcus, now intrigued, gestured for Ayame to elaborate.

Ayame: "Y'see, I did not have a good life when I was a young one.. Always ended up on the wrong side of the law, flaking out on school to practice music, dumb shit like that.. I even fraternized with the wrong crowd!"
Ayame, reminiscing.

Marcus: "Why would you associate yourself with the wrong crowd?"

Ayame: "Growing up, I had to make ends meet.. I was the one that had to look out for the younger siblings, while parents were working endlessly to give us a better life. They overworked themselves and, I never saw them again. It was just me and my siblings. I found work wherever I could get money on. Even ended up as a transporting dealer at some point, as well as working in extremely seedy bars."
Ayame, shuddering at the memory.

Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing, to realize that Ayame Kageyama had an extremely difficult life, it was maddening. A part of him felt extremely sorry for the Ultimate Rapper, but also impressed that she managed to survive many ordeals.

Marcus: "And how did you get your talent?"

Ayame: "Well, during one of the places I worked at, I was musically gifted. Every other night, I'd go up to the microphone, the stage, and belt out whatever lyrics sprouted into my mind. Then again, I cannot remember every song I did, since when one is done, another one takes space. There was a recruiter that liked what I had to give out, and, here I am! Ayame Kageyama, the Ultimate Rapper!"

Marcus: "I gotta say, that's actually pretty impressive. Falling in a dark place, only to resurface once a talent of yours has came to light."

Ayame: "Thanks."

The pair grew silent for quite some time, until the long silence was broken by Ayame.

Ayame: "Marcus, can I ask ya something?"

Marcus was confused, but nodded out of curiosity on what Ayame might ask him.

Ayame: "Marcus, with this whole killing game thing going on, do you think we'll make it out of here eventually? Will I be safe?"
Ayame, questioning with slight worry in her voice.

Marcus: "Ayame.. I cannot save everyone from being killed. It would be impossible for me, but I can tell you with the most confidence I can muster, I don't see you as a potential threat. The way I see it, if you were gone, life here would be exceedingly boring as hell. You're the Ultimate Rapper, yes. But, you're so much more than that. I just see Ayame Kageyama."
Ayame, smiling.

Ayame: "Thank you Marcus, I appreciate it."

Marcus: "You're welcome. What're friends for?"

Ayame and Marcus shared a short hug, with some assurance that the killing game may at least, be somewhat bearable and manageable. Not long, the pair broke their hug and Marcus exited Ayame's room, with a sense of newfound purpose.

He could only wonder, who else would have this same feeling as Ayame?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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