I'm suppose to Pity you!

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•*¥*• Preston's Pov •*¥*•

My head was Banging like crazy, my Vision was hazy my chest hurts, I can Barely move and I can't remember why

I heard soft groans next to me, I also felt someone or something poking my check. I open my eyes and try my best to see what I can and what I see is a young boy probably at the age of fifth-teen he looked down at me worriedly, I panicked and shot right up

"WHAT THE FUDGE!!!!" I shouted and stood up not caring about the pain then fell right away on my face, I groaned and lifted myself up and turned to look at the boy he looked even more worried

"Are you Okay?" The boy asked tilting his head and crawled over to me WTF?

"Uhh, Falling on my face would sign I'm OKAY? No!" I said in his face he frowned and shushed me!

"Please be quite, You'll get the guards over here" He said looking worried and walked crawled away to a dark corner with a candle and I crawled over to him he looks up at me

"Who are you?" I asked him he looks at me with hesitation opens his mouth then closes it soon after

"I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours" I said to him he looks up at me

"Okay, my names Nate, whats yours?" He answers, and asks I smile at though

"My Name is Preston, nice meeting Yah" I said to him

"Nice to meet you Preston" Nate said Smiling for a short period of time

"So where am I" I asked Nate he looked at me frowning he's eyes looked Dull and Cold, like they weren't alive

"Your In Hell Preston, this is a place for many boys that are attractive and are kidnapped and are brought here and are worked like Slaves" Nate said My eyes went Wide my mouth dropped I looked at him in horror

"Why am I here!?!" I Exclaim he looks at me sadly

"Your the new package, to define it, your our capturers new toy along with the other two boys that came in today, I'm sorry, but your stuck here for a while......Preston" Nate said, I'm stunned I don't want to be here I don't want Nate to be here ether he seems like trustworthy boy and it seems like he's been here for a while depending on his face

Not to be rude or anything like that! He has a really nice face! And He's cute for a boy he's age, Man that sounds really weird anyway it's just because he has some bruises and a scar thingy on his neck and he's really pale, not to mention pretty slender (thin/skinny)

"Wait I was at a Ice cream parlor with two of my friends are they here with me?!?" I ask quickly panicking I look around hoping to see Lachy and Mitchell which was stupid of me cause I could have noticed them by now then another thing came to mind which made me more stressed


Is he okay?

Is he hurt?




Even Worse Dead?!?

A million questions came into my mind, that I wanted answered now, but I know Nate couldn't even answer one.......Probably

"Preston? You okay? If you want to know about your friends I'm positive there here and are alive just to inform you and there most likely across from us or the cell next to us" Nate said to me I sighed in relief and smiled, but frowned afterwards

"Nate? How long have you been here, If you don't mind me asking?" I say to him he looks at me dead straight

"I don't mind, but you won't like the answer" Nate says, Okay then

"I've been here for, let's say about.......Ummmmmm, Ten to Eleven years Maybe?" Nate says with no Problem! AT ALL!

"What?!? What Happened!?!" I ask he smiles at freely

"Well, Its a longish story you may say" Nate says with no hesitation

"Tell me what happened your so Young too, how old are you?!?" I exclaim

"I'm eighteen I look very young for my age yes I know that, and I'll tell you the story if you'd really like to know" Nate says I Nod in Approval he Smiles sadly then looks at me seriously

"Okay when I was Eight I guess my Parents were in a Car accident and died, I was left with my two Older siblings to care for me, My older sister and brother. They didn't really care what I did or who I was, honestly they didn't bother with me at all!" Nate states a bit stressed out afterwards but cools down real quick

"But you know after a while I noticed they no longer wanted me and I packed my bags and went down to the front door left my bags there and did something that they deserved for not caring for me" Nate says man I fell really bad for him right now

"I stole all there cash" Nate said I literally stopped he's a rebel

"And I was pretty young at that age but I got the proper education at my age and was incrediblely smart and all that whizzy, and I was Kidnapped one day and was brought here and that's mostly it, not a very interesting story but Ya know" I was literally in tears sure it sounded like he didn't care and all, but I'm sensitive like that Dood!

Nate just look pitifully

"I'm the one who suppose to pity you right now" I start bawling till I here tapping coming down the hall

Oh No


I'm sorry if this is too short people want longer stories and I'm trying and the name Nate came from my friend



978 words

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