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I just knew I would have to play nice if Carl, the office manager, decided to introduce me tonight as the new guy's PA. I really hoped he didn't; I wanted to be left alone to quietly get drunk and wait to meet him in the New Year, at work, on my turf. As much as I was 'the prickly one' in the office, I felt completely at ease there, and that was where I should be introduced to him rather than at a Christmas party surrounded by my wasted colleagues where I was more likely say something inappropriate. With this thought in mind, I returned to the bar to get more drinks. This time, rather than two large glasses, I decided to get an entire bottle of wine. I turned to go back to my seat, just in time to see the big entrance.

He was dressed all in black with hints of silver; he even wore cowboy boots under his trousers. The black mask hid almost all of his face, leaving only his jaw and eyes visible. However, it couldn't do anything to hide his crazy brown hair; curly and tousled in a way that could only be annoyingly natural, either that, or he'd just had someone running their fingers through it during momentous sex. Thanks to this, I couldn't help but think back to the unnamed man I'd screwed in the bathroom at a bar the previous evening. Feeling flushed at the memories, I joined Gabby at our table and topped up her glass.

"Dear God, have you seen the arse on him?" If I didn't know better, I'd swear blind she just swooned, and whereas usually, this would make me laugh at her, I was irrationally annoyed by it. To hide my feelings, I did my usual and teased her about what she'd said.

"Uhm... Gabby. I love you, really, I do, but I thought Todd was your 'one true love'. You know, the reason you get up and go to work every day at stupid o'clock in the mornings... The only man you drooled over."

Gabby sighed. "I can appreciate pert bottoms on others though can't I?" She looked at me, imploringly. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course you can, honey," I said to her as I looked over her shoulder, causing her to whip around. Her muted squeal at seeing Todd walking in our direction with a wide smile on his handsome face, made me realise I was going to be on my own for the rest of the night. It didn't bother me. I loved the idea of Gabby and Todd finally getting together. I smiled, as he took her hand and led her to the empty dancefloor. At this bold action, others began to join in, and soon the small space was full of bodies, moving to the beat of the DJ's music.

Todd and Gabby were dead centre, laughing and dancing to what I considered 'cheesy party music'. A quick look around the room confirmed some of our colleagues were watching them and whispering to one another about the almost couple again. Neither of them seemed perturbed; they were too busy having a good time as they always did. I loved that about the two of them, they knew people talked about them, but never let it affect their friendship. Enjoying one another's company was more important than putting gossip to rest.

I sat back in my chair and sipped at my wine as I watched the room; people watching was my favourite thing to do, especially at events such as this. Alcohol and music brought out the best and worst of people, and there was nothing I liked better than seeing people make complete fools of themselves, and each other. It was times like this I often wished I was a writer so I could document everything I saw people do whilst drunk. Readers would lap it up, thinking it was pure fiction and I'd make a fortune.

I remained at the table until the bottle of wine was empty, watching a tall figure who could only be the mailroom boy - judging by the too-short trousers, white socks, and black shoes, - try it on with the young woman who would be taking over my job. With her long and lustrous blonde hair, long legs that seemed to go on forever, and the fuck off high heels she was wearing with a dress that looked as if it had been sprayed on, she was going to be a complete magnet for every male in the building from the moment she stepped into the building we worked in.

Turning my attention to my new boss, I noticed he moved around the people clamouring for his attention like a professional; Boston certainly prepared him for all the brown nosers our office had to offer. He never seemed to stay in the same place for longer than a couple of minutes, as he chatted, laughed, and listened to all the company bigwigs, who had turned up to the 'party' for the first time I'd ever seen.

All of this façade was an attempt to impress him. I'd worked with these people for five years – ever since I graduated uni – and the upper management had never attended a Christmas party. This one was different, as was made clear by the grand surroundings. Because of the wonder boy's move to the UK, they were all in attendance, and making themselves visible and known to him, when all they really wanted was to be at home with their slippers and a book; which was exactly where I wanted to be. Maybe not with the slippers though.

Looking away before I rolled my eyes out of my head, I turned back to watch Todd and Gabby again. They were still holding court on the dancefloor and had somehow roped in more people to take part in the dance routine to Saturday Night. I laughed as the alcohol took over coordination skills. Gabby waved for me to join them and I shook my head furiously. With a shrug, she continued to dance, her face bright from enjoying herself.


Feeling a little overwhelmed by the music and loud voices filling the room, I decided to go out onto the patio area just outside and get a bit of fresh air. I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders and picked up my glass, leaving the empty bottle on the table, and walked outside unseen. Although I was being a grouch about this entire event, when I stepped outside, I couldn't help but having my breath taken away by the gorgeous atmosphere that had been created.

The patio area was surrounded by big, bushy conifers which have been covered with strands and strands of tiny fairy lights. The huge pergola that covered the seating area was covered with the same lights, and they all cast a subdued, orange glow. I just wished I could see across the grounds which I knew led down to a large lake, but it was too dark to see anything beyond lanterns that had been placed along the pathways that cut across the grass.

I took a seat at one of the tables, removed my mask, and took a sip of my wine. Despite it being the middle of December, it wasn't too cold, and the soft breeze was heaven on my skin as I leaned back in my seat.

"I'm not gonna lie. I didn't expect to see a sight like this in the UK in December." A deep voice spoke from behind me, making me jump. I recognised that voice, the delicious twang to the accent, and the deepness that washed over me like a home comfort. Dread filled me as I turned to see my new boss, still with his mask in place, smiling down at me as cigarette smoke curled out of his mouth Fuck.

A Naughty Christmas/ A steamy Christmas short story/ A Jordan Knight FanFic Where stories live. Discover now