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A strange feeling crept up my spine. I tried to open my eyes, only to realize I couldn't. I tried to lift my head, except I couldn't. I tried to move my body. Alas, I was hoping for too much.

My breathing went erratic. My thoughts turned into a jumbled mess as I tried to make sense of anything that was happening to me.

Is it sleep paralysis. that seemed to be the most believable thing. I could feel my body. I just couldn't move it.

I desperately tried to calm down my erratic breathing as I felt myself threatening to lose consciousness due to lack of Oxygen. Only now did I realize that I had been unconsciously limiting my breathing due to panic.

After a little time which felt like hours to me, I was finally able to get some level of control over my body.

As I finally opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. I lifted myself off of my bed with extreme difficulty and looked around the room.

The room was nothing too fancy. In fact, it had nothing special at all. But one thing that would surely caught the eyes of any normal person was the futuristic technology everywhere.

The table was pure white with a small blue crystal in the center. From which a hologram was being projected. The hologram had a dense amount of text tightly melded together. The language was Japanese which I strangely understood for some reason, despite never learning Japanese.

I slowly got off the bed. I stumbled. Turns out, the difficulty i faced while getting off of the bed was not due to sleep paralysis. My felt felt as if it was breaking apart. As I stood up, I instantly has the urge to lie back down on the bed. But  I didn't dare do that.

'Did someone kidnap me?' I thought 'Did they take my organs or something?'

I checked my body, mainly the thoracic and abdominal cavity for any signs of a surgical scar.

As I was checking, the hologram on top of the table made a strange- high pitched- noise.


The noise somehow sounded like a really annoying alarm clock going off.

I silently walked towards the table. My head began to hurt just by looking at the amount of content on the hologram.

It looked like someone had gotten a 100 page assignment for summer break, but due to lazing around the entirety of the holidays, they just compiled the work onto a couple of pages. That was the feeling that i was getting from looking at the 2 cubic meter hologram.

The hologram itself was a light shade of transparent blue with streaks of white lines on the outer edges. The letters were all Japanese, which I strangely, was able to understand perfectly. Now, although I was a big fan of Japanese manga and had read quite a few of them, I never really bothered to learn the language itself. So it was quite bothering that I was able to understand it.

As creepy as it seemed, I ignored the strangeness and read what was written on the hologram.

[Be not Afraid-] Wow, the catch phrase of biblical angels. Off to a great start.

[Just to make it clear, I am not a biblical angel. Though, considering my status, you may as well consider me as such. I'll make it short. I am an employee of the MRTO- Multiverse Reincarnation and Transmigration Organisation. Here at MRTO, we give unfortunate souls who got an unfair or untimely end to their life a second chance. To put it simply, you have died. More specifically, the cause of your death was being struck by lightning while you were writing your novel.]

I stared blankly at the first paragraph of text. My gaze held many types of emotions. The most prominent of which was confusion. But other than confusion, there was primarily anger and irritation.

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