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Authors note

Y'all this took me so long. I can't describe to you the effort it took to create this so I really hope you enjoy this. Also just as a note who look to fanfics for dating advice (which is a pretty bad idea) do not try and emulate this relationship in real life in any shape or form. This is a checklist of what not to do in a romantic, platonic, or any other sort of relationship.

Also because this fic covers heavy topics such as abuse and manipulation here is the domestic abuse hotline for anyone who may need it. 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) also (206) 518-9361 (Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers).


He didn't think much of it at first. Mephisto always had a bad habit of staring, letting his gaze linger for too long. It was his favorite tactic to unnerve Rin, to get flustered as he made his quarterly presentation before the entire board of arch knights.

He had taken the position of paladin for the benefit, and to shove it in his twin's face. Yet Mephisto had managed to still make it miserable, taking any chance he could to fluster or break the composure Rin battled to keep.

But this time, it was different. There was something behind his blank gaze. Something that challenged Rin as it did irritate him.

He was able to ignore it for the meeting, even finishing early allowing him a nice break before the end of his official shift. It was always slower before the holidays, most demons out of respect would sneak back into gehenna for the month.

They learned their lesson after an irritated Rin a few years back snapped, after being called in on his birthday. He had to miss Christmas with his nephews and resounding destruction after it was enough to quell the demons for the season.

Demon activity, in general, had died down since Lucifer got his perfect host. It made Rin's job as a paladin easier, but boring. Without big demons to fight he was most often resigned to checking in on the arch knights, ensuring they were fulfilling their roles.

The only struggle was dealing with the only honorary knight they had. Mephisto always managed to mess something up, forcing Rin to come down and correct it.

It was always on purpose, you didn't misspell your own name, or place the event in the description category by accident.

It's why Rin nearly punched the clown when he called over asking for help on his reports. The century-old being who outdated the order couldn't figure out where to put his signature on the form he wrote.

"I would love to help, but I have things to do," Rin said, denying the request as he left.

Mephisto's expression nearly stopped Rin in his tracks. It wasn't a charade of disappointment, not the thin frown or pouting lip he would send out whenever Rin denied his request. It was something darker, a twisted sense of sincerity as his lips dripped into a frown and his emerald eyes gaped open.

Did he think Rin was going to fall for it? He had played that card too many times before. Rin had grown since his days at the cram school, he wasn't the same stupid blind teenager he was back then.

How stupid did he think Rin was? The very notion was enough for a trickle of flames to spike up around his tail.

They soon died out as he Shiemi with her precession passing overhead. Walking by her side, was Yukio, her husband, and father to the two kids running around their feet.

As before they had invited him to stay for the break, and enjoy the holiday and birthday as a part of their family. Like every year, he accepted the invitation, bringing the best food and cake to put any other dish and dessert to shame.

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