Ep 1: More than Meets the Eye Pt. 1

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The scene starts out in space opened by the narrator.

Narrator: Many millions of years ago..on the planet Cybertron...life existed! But not life as we know it today. Intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities. They were called Autobots and Decepticons.

Then the camera pans to planet called Cybertron as the view shows cities in ruins

Narrator: But the brutal Decepticons were driven by a single goal: Total domination. They set out to destroy the peace loving Autobots. And a war between the forces of good and evil raged across Cybertron...devastating all in its path, draining the planet's once rich sources of energy. The Autobots – on the verge of extinction, battled valiantly to survive.

There, two Autobots coming out of the underground with Wheeljakc taking energy rods

Wheeljack: There's not enough energy in these conductors to last a Quartex.

Another robot hand reaches out as Wheeljacks grabs it he pulls Cybertronian out, revealed to be Bumblebee.

Bumblebee: At least we found these, Wheeljack.

Wheeljack: And when these run out?

Bumblebee: Can't worry about that now – hey, let's get back to Iacon.

Wheeljack transforms into a futuristic-like van as he speaks to him.

Wheeljack: Load up!

The rear doors of the Van fly open and Bumblebee quickly places the Glowing Energy Conductors inside

Bumblebee: I bet Optimus Prime will be glad to see us.

Later on, Wheeljack drives through the bridge, carrying Bumblebee and energy rods with him. 

Wheeljack: We're nearing the bridge to Iacon. One megamile to go!

Bumblebee: Ah, Home Sweet Home!

While driving by, he saw something dangerous.

Wheeljack: Uh-oh, A Decepticon welcoming committee!

He shields himself with armor as they see them.

Decepticon Seekers: Autobots! Stop them!

They fired their Null-Ray at them but the windshield blocks it as he makes a stop for Bumblebee to go out and fire back at them.

Bumblebee: Prime told me there'd be days like this!

Wheeljack: And you didn't believe him?

Bumblebee: *Dodge the blast* I do now!

Hotlink then fires fire surrounding them.

Wheeljack: We've got to get these energy conductors back to Iacon!

Bumblebee: I'm right behind ya!

Then they see blast right at Seekers as the Decepticons sees Kaixa in futuristic jet mode.

Bumblebee: Kaixa! Thank Primus you've arrive!

Kaixa: No problem! Get to Iacon fast before they bring out bigger guns!

Bumblebee: Way ahead of it!

Bumblebee transforms into car mode as Wheeljack uses mini propellers to blow the fire away.

Wheeljack: Mind if I cut in?

The two ram them over and drives away as Kaixa flies away to his leader's base.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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