Happiness is Simple

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(Amazing book cover done by -elliptical )

(Ney' Kite's name is pronounced NAY-KEY-TEE)

Na'vi language: Italics

English language: Regular


A lush and very vibrant planet where wonderful plants and animals coexist together to maintain survival. White clouds could be seen in the clear blue sky. Floating mountains that seem to rise to touch the clouds. It was beautiful land for those living there.

"The forest of Pandora holds many dangers."

In the sky native animals flew around. Banshee's squawked and flew around in the floating mountains. Meanwhile, on the ground in the rainforest of Pandora more native and exotic animals could be heard. The viperwolves could be heard cackling with their hyena like laugh as they walked along the branches and tree limbs of the forest. A sleek armored black cat-like creature known as the thanator could be seen feasting on its latest kill.

Beautiful yellow eyes could be seen peering through the thick bushes and leaves. The eyes belonged to a Na'vi native called Ney'tiri who was currently sneaking up on the unsuspecting prey.

"But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is..."

Ney'tiri moved out from of her cover of bushes and thick leaves breathing deeply as she drew her bow and arrow back. However, she paused for a moment stuck. She looked down at her swollen pregnant stomach and fixed her position and took the shot.

"...That you may grow to love her too much."


The bright day soon disappeared as the night took over. The forest lit up in their bioluminescent glow and the creatures of the night came out.

Ney'tiri was now sitting in front of a warm fire in her family home as she sings a beautiful song while holding a very precious necklace in her hands.

"We sing the song cords to remember. Each bead has a story in our life."

Many of the Omatikaya Clan were standing in a circle in the rainforest, hands holding each other as Jake stood in the middle holding up a newborn baby, His and Neytiri's son.

"A bead for the birth our son"

Ney'tiri smiled greatly, placing a hand on her mouth and with teary eyes she looked up at her newborn son. "Neteyam!" Jake declares his son's name and the clan repeats the name back to them.

"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri"

Ney'tiri and Jake were in one of the human's science labs their eyes gazing upon Grace's avatar that was floating in a machine but what shocked them the most was the pregnant belly.

"Born from Grace's Avatar."

The two Omatikaya leaders looked at each other in confusion both in the dark on how this could happen. Jake and Ney'tiri looked at each other having a silent conversation with their eyes. Was this some science or Eywa's will. Neither knew.

"And whose conception was a complete mystery."

"A bead for our daughter figure, Ney 'kite, who we found and took in."

Jake was out with other warriors heading back home when he stopped his ears pricking up at a faint crying sound. "Go ahead. I got this." Jake said to the other warriors. He started heading in the direction of the crying. He stopped however taking notice that that Tree of Souls was in ths direction. He whipped around hearing the cackling laughter he knew all too well during his first time on Pandora. Jake looked the viperwolf in confusion. It was acting rather odd it seemed like it wanted him to follow so he did. He never would have thought what he found there would change his life.

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