Chapter 7 - The Question

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"Heh, I'm supposed to be the one comforting you... *sigh* Red, I wanna make sure that you know that your no longer where you were originally. You're here with me, and I promise that however long I'm alive I'll spend each and every second protecting you."

They spoke softly and gave me a smile while laying down next to me. My face flushed bright cherry red. Nope THIS is definitely the warmest I've been. "Heh, th-thanks" I mumbled.

~There Red and Y/n fell asleep~


"Mhm" you slowly wake to the sun shining through the window. "Nice day, maybe today is the day I ask him- oh we could go for a walk around the park"


"Huh?" You look down to see a small figure curled up on your stomach. "Hehe, morning Red" you reached to poke him to get up, you really needed to pee. "Hey sleepy head I need to get up"-




"I need to uses the bathroom"


"Thanks" Red let gravity take him and slowly let himself slide of you and onto the blankets where he instantly fell asleep again. You made your way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. After you finished in the bathroom you grabbed a fresh pair of clothes plus a sweatshirt and went to feed your lizard. You made your way to the kitchen with three frozen mice, one for your lizard and the other two for Red since he ate a LOT. "RED, breakfast is ready!" *POP* "wha- WHAT THE?!"
Red had appeared on your shoulder out of no where- "H-how?!"

"How wha- ooooooh it'sss called ^MAGIC^" he said in jazz hands.

(-_-) "Uhhh oook?"

"I'll exssplain during breakfassst"

You finished making your b/f (breakfast food) and brought the plates over to the table, along the way you also snagged a packet of mustered- you made sure to grab as many small mustard packets as you could last time you went out. "Breakfast is served- *POP* wha- AGAIN?! That's it you gotta tell me how you did that."

"Hehe, um it'sss kinda hard to exssplain but in sshort term "monsterss" like me have magic abilitiesss, mine being able to teleport and summon small boness- buttt I haven't been able to do ssuch thingss because of my physical/mental state."

"Oh~ so your saying I helped your state of being to be able to do your magic?"

Reds face turned into a cherry, "Uh, I guess..."

"Hehe, I'm just playing let's eat I want to ask you something after."


This got Reds attention, you said it with a strong voice. One that's stern and clear, Red shivered a bit- what if I got them mad? What if I'm going back to H I M... no y/n would do no such thing, but what if- what if he finds me anyways?!

After we ate y/n asked if I wanted to ride in their hood (any other pocket) or their shoulder. I said shoulder. "Hey y/n where are we going?"

"You'll see." They said


"I promise you'll love it."

"Ok." We left the house a few minutes ago and we're walking down the sidewalk, that is until a green park came into view. Y/n changed their direction and headed to the park. "A park?"


We walked around a bit playing in the grass, people watching, y/n climbed a tree, and we also found some cool creatures. We fell to the soft grass trying to catch out breaths... "This is nice-"

"-Red, *inhales* wouldyouwanttostaywithme?"

I think my soul stopped, did y/n just say that they that they want me to stay with them?! ... wait what's on my face. I reach to touch my eye socket- I'm crying? "I-I *sobbing*"

"Shit- Red I'm sorry I knew this was a bad idea-"


"Wha- really?!"

"Yes! I want to stay with you thank you!" I leap into y/n's arms snuggling deep into their warmth. "I love you" I said through a muffled voice.

"Heh, I love you too Bub"

My face flushed bright red. I looked up at y/n, "Thank you."

"No problem."

"Hey y/n?"


"Can I tell you something?"

"Like what?"

"My story."

Author Note- GUYS IM SO SORRY, I've been so slow lately. I know it's not long but I really wanted to post something. And also sorry for those not female- I forgot I was writing a story where y/n could be a "he" or a "she". So if you find any mistakes PLZ tell me!

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