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A few days later in the castle as Luna sat with the Elf princess Faith she heard from down stairs a loud noise as she went out to check to find Nezlin and her parents the guards held Nezlin back as Luna said "what's going on" Nezlin then shouted "what did you do with him I demand to know how my brother is" Luna sighed as she said looking at the guard "get her out for some air" the guards nodded dragging Nezlin out as Luna approached Devon's parents lowering her head as she said "it's an honor to meet you I'm Luna and I apologize about your son" Devon's father looked at her as he nodded and said "How is he" Luna sighed as her smile faided looking to the side when Devon mother said with tears "h-hes dead my dear dear lovely son is dead" Luna slightly smiled shaking her head "he's still asleep but he's doing just fine please follow me".

They went upstairs and as he's mother saw him she felt her heart at place as his father then said "when will he wake up" Luna sthen replied "that's what I wanted to say, yes he is alive but" she could continue as Faith said "he was stabbed deeply and with the alixer I tried all I could and I was able to heal most of him but he's powers won't be returning and I don't know if it will affect his recovery... It's likely that he might not wake up and just die in he's sleep" Faith said just as Nezlin entered and after hearing this she walked up to Luna punching her as she said angrily "I don't care if you are the damn queen this is your fault he's dieing because of you" Luna whipped the blood from her nose as she replied "I'm sorry, feel free to stay" she said as she walked out of the room with Faith.

"Who does she think she is just wait if he doesn't wake up I'll wrip out all her bones" her mother sighed as she said "Nezlin Luna is a child who had to betray her own father for us from what I know she has never even been taught what it means to be a queen so I suggested you don't provoke her she maybe a human but she's a dangerous one" Nezlin scoffed looking to the side.

"Does this mean I can get the full training" Luna said to Kiyomi as Faith said "I too have wanted to learn how to use a sword but when I tried to flew out of my hands and I almost murder a guard ever since then I've never held one" Luna smiled as she nodded and asked "I heard an interesting rumors that their dragons" Faith nodded as she replied "yes very much so if you come again I'll show you a few" Luna nodded as one of Faith's guards came and said she had to go.

In the middle of the night Luna woke up to a sound and opened her eyes to see Devon he looked down at her forming a slight smile that laid comfort upon Luna's heart. She got up holding his hands "I told you I wouldn't die and if I was it would be because I'd be protecting you" tears flowed down her cheek as she tried to stop her self "I thought you were going to die but I could do anything about it or even express my sadness because there's no one else I'd talk to...if you died I wouldn't have anyone I just kept smiling hoping for the best but I was scared Devon with out you I have no one to trust, talk to, smile with and show affection for" he slightly smiled pulling her close to hug her so she would see he was crying as well.

Luna hugged back gripping tightly around his body, he felt his body tingle and insides quiver as she did so. "Don't dream of it, I wouldn't leave you alone like that think of me as your very own puppet" Luna then stepped back as she clucked wiping her tears and said as she giggled "I was seriously worried" He then held up her face as he smiled leaning in for a kiss.

As they broke their she finally paid attention to his wings as she said "are your wing stuck like that", "what do you mean" he said as he slightly moved he's wings as she sighed and replied "the sword you were stabbed with it had the alixer on it which means your powers are gone" Devon felt his body shartter when he tired to telaport a long with other spells he then sighed to know all that was left were his Vampire and Demonic abilities, "I feel useless to you now I had many power's and there was so much they could do but I never got to show you" Luna smiled as he stroked her hair then replied "now you know how I feel", "but since I don't have powers it just means I'll be trying harder to impress you" he said kissing her again as he laid her down on the bed as he got above her to continue the kiss.

She then slightly lifted up his shirt revealing a scar "does it still hurt" he denayed leaning in as he licked her neck then left a love bite.

The next day as Luna walked out of her room she was met with Nezlin who said angrily "were is he what did you do with my brother, I knew I couldn't trust you" she said grabbing onto Luna's night gown pulling her close when Devon appeared from behind removing Nezlins hand as he said "she's the queen not your toy so restrain your self from touching her" Nezlin scoffed as she said "did she use some kind of obidiance potion on you because incase if you didn't know she's the reason you almost died and lost your powers." Devon smiled with a slight scoff "almost, but I'm sure it was the old king's fault and she's responsible for the realms survival including yours Nez" Nezlin scoffed as she replied "whatever but thanks I guess" she said to Luna before walking away.

As Luna was walking down one of the guards ran up to her asking as he lowered his head "my Queen the towns people are in question they want assurance of who's rule they are to follow... My Queen may I suggest a crowning ceremony so they may all see and know who you are" Luna slightly nodded as she sighed as she said "you must excuse me from the castle I'll be back" she said grabbing walking off as Devon shrugged at the guard and followed Luna.

They stood out side the castle doors as Luna looked at Devon asking "since only your powers are gone can you still fly" he  turned to look at her as he slightly flapped his wings hold out his hand.

When she placed her hand in his he then grabbed her by the waist as he flew up asking "were doing you want to go", "just away from the castle" she sighed. We went to the far conners on the human realm as the sat on a cliff, Luna looked down at the trees as she said "I'm not sure I want to be queen" Devon looked at her as she continued to say "i know nothing about the realm, the people and I know nothing about being a queen... I can't lead them I'm just a kid the realm would be in chaos if I did so".

Devon held her hand as he said "you've done a good job in protecting them... everyone so far maybe you think your not ready and I'll respect that but the realm needs someone to lead them and someone the can look up to for hope someone they can trust and I think that you've been that for them royalty or not. You've proven your self and I'm sure they will trust you in whatever you do or choose" she smiled then scoffed as she sighed laying back, "what your surprised I'm so wise" Devon smiled with a chuckle as she nodded and replied "mmh, you make it hard to want to quit", "should we head back" he asked when she shook her head.

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