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Before we start, this chapter is a little bit shorter because I forgot I had this and I rushed it a lot and just tried to get something out!


"I like Sabrina!" Russo spoke, but with more confidence this time. I laughed slowly, then progressed in speed and volume.
"Well that's obvious, dummy!" I continued to laugh at him, but he had a puzzled expression printed on his face. I slowed my laughter, now aware of his comfort and embarrassment. "Don't worry, though, I do, too!"
"You do?" Russo questioned, and I nodded in response.
"Yeah, she's amazing, beautiful, and-" I got cut off by a buzz coming from my back pocket. I reached into it and snatched the phone the remained in there. I turned it on to see what the startling notification was, and I saw a text from Sabrina.
"Welp, speak of the devil!" Russo exclaimed, arched over my left shoulder, very clearly watching my every move on the phone.

Saturday, August 13th, 5:16 PM
Sabrina: Hey, sorry, I'm being really impatient, but are you back yet?
DJ: Yeah, sorry about that!
Sabrina: No worries! So, what did he need?

With that last text, I froze knowing that he was right above me at the moment. I looked up at his face staring at me below. "Should I tell her?" I asked him, but he swung his head around enough to give himself whiplash.
"No! Way! I'm keeping this a secret for a loooooong time! Which means you are, too!" Russo responded, elbowing me. At this point, my arm was becoming slightly sore, but I didn't mind, as I was used to his playfulness.

Saturday, August 13th, 5:19 PM
Sabrina: Hello?
Sabrina: DJ, you there?
DJ: Yea sorry, I was just talking to Russo some more.
Sabrina: What did he want?
DJ: We we're just discussing what we wanted for dinner, that was all.
Sabrina: Oh, gotcha, sorry I'm being so nosy btw, I've never really had a friendship where I can trust them all that much, mostly because they were all girls and through jr high and high school, they got fake really fast...
DJ: Oh, I'm so sorry 'Brina (you don't mind if I call you that right?)
Sabrina: I don't mind at all, in fact, I actually like it a lot :)
DJ: Well, have you had dinner yet?
Sabrina: No, I was actually wondering what I was gonna have since you and Russo were wondering.
DJ: Would you like to join us for dinner?
Sabrina: That sounds really nice, have you guys decided what you want to have?
DJ: Not fully yet, but we're working on it atm :]
Sabrina: Ok, text me when you've figured it out, cutie :)
DJ: Oh, LOL, don't sweat it, I can be pretty cute sometimes tho ;]
Sabrina: Pfft- I'd like to see it for my own eyes!
DJ: We could make that happen 🙃
Sabrina: Heh, well, I'll let you talk to Russo for the time being to figure out dinner, but be sure to text me what we're getting! See you in a bit, DJ!
DJ: Alr, ttyl!

I felt Russo watching over my shoulder as I spoke to Sabrina, and I also felt his jaw drop slightly when I invited her over for dinner. "You're inviting her over, DJ?" He asked when I finished, and the realization of what I had just done overwhelmed me all of the sudden.
"Wait... did we basically just ask out a girl...?" I turned to face Russo, who stared off into space for a moment, then just shrugged it off.
"Well, we invited her over on friendly terms, not romantic terms, so I don't exactly think so." Russo explained, and I nodded to the fact.
"So, what are we gonna make so soon?" I asked him, and then rushed to the fridge to see what we had. I opened the doors and saw shredded cheese, garlic, as well as some Prego sauce. I zoned all of the other options in the fridge out, only focusing on those three ingredients.
I quickly shut the doors and turned to the pantry that was located very conveniently right next to it. I swung open the doors, and noticed some spaghetti noodles, as well as some bread. In my head, I thought of all the ingredients I had just found, and concluded that I would make some spaghetti and garlic bread.
"DJ, did you find something?" Russo asked while walking out from his room. His sluggish walk, monotoned voice, and baggy clothes proved that he needed a shower before Sabrina came over in order to be impressed by him.
I nodded, then spoke to him, "Russo, you good? You don't look so good."
"Yeah, I'm just trying to text Sabrina, but she isn't responding," he explained.
"Oh, I'm sure she's just getting ready for tonight!" I told him with excitement, "I think you should do the same, R, you should take a shower and get refreshed!"
"Yeah, good idea, DJ," Russo told me, "Whatcha making?"
I explained that I was going to make spaghetti and garlic bread, and he left me alone to go get ready.

Hey guys! Have a great day/night!


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