Part 15

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"Well.. I look quite dazzling.. Don't you agree?" I remarked when I saw myself in the mirror.

"Without doubt you'll have a line of clients right away." Sebastian commented, while smirking. I looked at him with a drained expression and he instantly composed himself, as that was the butler's aestethics.

"Let's go downstairs." I said and Sebastian offered me his arm. It was probably already midnight by now. When we arrived at the front door, we found the earl waiting there. Right before he turned his head my way, Sebastian opened up a fan in front of my chest. I gave him a weary look but he just smiled.

The earl seemed a little nervous as he glanced at my bare shoulders. How cute.

The townhouse was quite a walk away from the East End, so Sebastian carried both of us. However when we arrived at our destination, there were no others around. In other words, there was nobody for me to blend in with.

"Duuude!" I said aggravated, "There's no one else here! I'm the only one dressed like this.."

I felt like banging my head into the wall, all that pain and effort for nothing. We walked closer to the alleyway Mary lived in, but didn't enter it just yet.

We ended up waiting another 10 minutes before anything happened. It was fucking cold outside and I shivered heavily. A scream broke the silence outside.


Nobody had come in or out of that alleyway.. I was sure of it. The three of us ran in the direction of the house. Ciel grabbed the door handle- "No Ciel, wait!" I screamed, but it was already too late. His innocent eyes saw Mary Jane Kelly's body, cut open so aggressively that her guts were spilling out of her body.

As much as I had already seen the photographs multiple times, seeing this in real life make me feel sick. I had to turn around and cover my mouth to avoid vomiting. I leaned my back against the wall of the alleyway and hoped I wouldn't faint. Black spots danced in front of my eyes and I tried blinking them away. It helped a little bit. I heard footsteps, my head whipped in the direction of the sound.


I was flabbergasted. That weakling had killed all those women? It had to be him, he was the one covered in blood. He denied everything at first, but when Sebastian was spilling his secrets, he couldn't keep up his façade anymore.

"I've lived long enough, but I've never heard of your kind becoming a butler.. You, who should have stayed neutral beween God and humans.." Sebastian said, "A God of death."

I gasped. "You're a shinigami?" I blurted out, "That's impossible. Gods of death aren't allowed to seize souls of people who aren't on the To-Die-list."

Grell transformed into a woman and after finishing fangirling over Sebastian, he came closer to me.

"I have a strange feeling that I've seen you before.." he whispered as he completely invaded my personal space and grabbed my chin. He turned my head to the side after which I remarked: "I'm Helen, you asshat."

He gasped dramatically as he looked hurt. "That's no way to talk to a lady!"

I rolled my eyes at his incapability to show me respect and pushed him off of me.

Madame Red came out of the door, hugging herself. Even though Ciel had expected she was the killer, he still looked chocked. After a conversation with her, he ordered Sebastian to put a stop to Jack the Ripper, who obliged without question. And so, the battle between Grell and Sebastian began.

Falling through time // Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now