well hello there

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Hi im y/n, an Orphan. Everyone kinda treats me like shit here but thats ok bc i have my books and draw stuff. My pearents left me on the side oft he road and some dude brought me to this shithole. The Caretakers are pretty mean to everyone here. Its late i should sleep now but i cant so i will just go explorying. Wait what is that noice? I see the Caretakers through a door, it Looks like they are Talking to someone. Hm i dont recognize These ppl. "WHAT" i think to myself as i hear they are Talking About a Peter pan, i have a book About one but i thought he was just a Mythe. Oh shit they are comming. I make a run for the bedroom but wait its locked "HOW THE FUCK IS IT LOCKED" i scream whisper to myself. "Look who we have here the Little y/n" i hear a crusty voice behind me, as i wanted to turn around its already to late. She grabs me exacly were i have my freah sh scars "OW WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" I shout Right in her ugly face, "Oh you will reagret that Young Lady" she says as she pulls me outside. aw man its Freezing Cold "you will stay outside for the night you Little bitch!" she shouts at me. as she closed the door i think to myself "fuck it i will just make a run for it". I run as fast as i can as i hear screams of the caretakers behind me. Commplettly out of Breath i sit down for a Moment to realize i got facking lost in the Woods. As I walk further into the forest i spot a tree where i can lay under for the night, "at least something great for the night" i lay down as i hear footsteps behind me "HELLO?!" i shout as i sit up quickly, no Reply. Omg its so quiet i love it. I lay down again as i fell assleep Pretty fast. As i wake up in the morning i realize im not where i layed down for the night. "Oh no did i slepp walk again?" i Question myself. "Well hello there" i hear behind me.

381 words
A/N : hey guys it will be a short story, so yeah i hope you liked the first part. Byeeee have a great day

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