wtf is happening?

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"i think shes the one pan" i heard one of the Boys wisper to pan. "EXCUSE ME WHAT?!" i screamed "i will Show you, come with me" as i wanted to stand up everyone blacked out and pan couldnt move. "Hello there Beautiful" i hear a Deep voice, as i turned around i blacked out too. i woke up tied to a tree, "hey" i hear a sweet voice beside me "hi? Who are you?" i asked. "Im Emma,this is snowwhite and prince charming, rumpel, the Evil queen or Regina, and captain hook" Emma says. "what do you want from me?" "your magic" rumpel says "WHAT" i scream "at least we have you alone now" regina says "she is never alone and you have smt i want" a voice says. "PAN OMG THANK FACKING GOD" i shout "already missed me love? BOYS NOW!" pan shouts. i hear a lot of footsteps all around me, someone cuts me loose i run to Peter hugging him. a Boy takes my Hand and brings me back to camp in a hut so i can lay down, and thats exacly what i did and i fell assleep kinda fast. i wake up to someone stroking though my hair and i just looked up to see PAN WAIT WHAT THE FRICK am i still dreaming? "Hi Darling did you sleep well?" He asked "y-yeah i did" i said blushing. He gets up and goes out but then he turns around and says "put on that Dress and come out Dance with us" he winks. Wait what is that feeling, are there rlly Feelings for him in me tf. I put on that Dress and look at myself in the Mirror "wow i look Pretty for once in my life" i whisper, im standing in front of the Entry from the hut now and im nervous. "Fuck it" i say as i walk out all eyes on me. "She looks hot" "she looks perfect" "she looks beautiful" i hear all around me. "She looks like "my beautiful lost Girl" i hear pan say as he grabs me by my Hip and pulls me closer to him, i get sooo many Butterflies in my stomach omg. He grabs my hand and goes to the fire with me,we started dancing around the fire with the other lost boys "i finally feel free" i think to my self as tears start to fill my eyes and ofc pan notices..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2024 ⏰

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