season 1 /episode 1:The sword

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After shermy the last rabtisurus and Beth the pup princess found a sword made from the tree of fern the grass knight that fought during second coming of glob, shermy took the sword to the defendant of Jake , Rioshi
the master of ice and crystals. Rioshi didn't understand how the magic in the sword was divine even though the weilder has no power from the sword.
It got late so shermy and Beth crash at rioshi's tower. As shermy was sleeping,he had a dream where he was in the sword and he saw himself but then the shermy he saw inside transformed into fern and fern transformed into Finn and transformed into shoko and turned into an interdimensional blob and turned into a butterfly and then turned into a comet and as the comet was about to hit him he woke up screaming. In the morning, shermy and Beth left. On their way,they saw Mr Bondo about to be captured by prismo's guardian and so they called their giant friend called big p / sweet p but big p refuses saying he has to meditate .so it's up to shermy and Beth to save him.
Shermy as Beth to bring the stack of rocks to him and then once Beth did that shermy ran up with the sword and used it to stab the guardian's feet then just as the guardian is about to spot shermy,Beth distracts him and as he's distracted, shermy climbed his body to till he reached his head and then shermy stabbed his head and all the gumball prisons broke and every one was free and then they all called shermy and Beth heroes.
Meanwhile in the prismo's realm, prismo sends more guardians to Ooo.

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