Chapter 25

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********** Tommy pov ************

I ran through the torrential rain, my coat hardly protecting me from the onslaught of water hitting my face and legs. I desperately cried out, "Wilbur?! Wil!?" but there was no response. I groaned, continuing to sprint frantically through the musty streets. My thoughts raced faster than I could run, causing my panic to only increase. But I couldn't panic now, I had to find Wil. 

This is your fault. You caused this. Why can't you find him? You're pathetic. Pathetic. Useless. Weak. 

"Stop!" I cried out, my voice breaking with despair. "Wilbur! Please!?" 

********** Tubbo povvvvvvvv (beeeee boiiiii) ***********

I watched as Tommy ran out into the rain, hardly sparing time to pull on his shoes and grab his coat before he was out the door after Techno. I took a deep breath and tried not to panic, though worry coursed through my veins. As I thought, I paced up and down the living room, wondering what to do. 

Tommy told me not to go after him. But Techno told Tommy and me not to go after him, and Tommy went. Maybe I should go and help? Or find Tommy? I could call them!

I looked around wildly for my phone and saw it lying on the sofa with Tommy's, Techno's and Wilbur's. I made a noise of imense frustration and continued to pace, wracking my brains for something, ANYTHING at all that I could do. 

Well that was a useless idea. What now? Tommy and Techno can't be contacted. But they aren't together?! If one of them finds Wilbur how is the other going to know to come back to the house!?

I groaned and flopped onto the sofa next to the phones. 

Ok, I need to think. Maybe I... ugh this is all so pointless! Wait, Phil was kidnapped! And Techno told us not to come because we could get kidnapped too! That means Tommy is in danger! 

I stood up and started to head towards the door, determined to find Tommy and bring him home safely, but then I realised. 

But Scott! He's coming! And if he comes back to an empty house he will think we have been... taken or something! I need to stay here and explain the situation. But Tommy... No, I must stay here. I must. 

********* Scott's pov ********

I drove as fast as I could to Phil's house. I had contacted the agency, and they were going to get a team together immediately, but I needed to get to his kids, and make sure they were safe. I had a hunch - and a very likely one at that - that it would be the Silver arrows that took Phil, and unless some miracle had occurred and he HADN'T been taken by them, him and his kids were in A LOT of danger. I needed to get to them. Now. So I drove. 

********* Tubbo's pov ***********

I had been sitting here restlessly for almost 40 minutes now, and still nobody had returned. No news about Wilbur, no confirmation that Tommy was ok, Techno still hadn't got back, and Scott hadn't even arrived yet. I was stimming wildly, my hands doing almost their own little dance, and aching. I had stopped pacing, it had only been increasing my nerves, but I couldn't sit still, and I was almost (figuratively and literally) pulling my hair out with the anxiety of it all. Finally there was a knock at the door. I rushed over to it, yanking it open, desperate to see Tommy, standing there, preferably with Wil and Tech, smiling at me like he always does. 

Of course it wasn't Tommy, it was who I assumed was Scott, standing there with a serious expression, mouth tight and eyebrows drawn together. 

"Hey kid, this is Phil's house right?" He asked, trying his best to sound gentle, but failing as the urgency crept into his voice. 

"Yeah, I'm his foster kid," I replied, "You're Scott right?" I said, in a tone of clear desperation. 

"Yeah I am," Scott replied gently, "Where are your brothers?" 

I let out a sob as I said, "They're gone!" My mind was feeling kinda fuzzy, but I ignored it.

"What?!" Scott exclaimed, breaking his calm demeanour, "What do you mean?! Where are they?! Did they get taken?!"

"No," I sniffed, "Wilbur.... Wilby went to... he went to kill himself... and then Techie and Tommy followed!" 

Scott looked horrified, "What!? They...!? Omg ok Tubbo I need you to stay here, upstairs and don't go near any windows ok. I'm going to go out and look for them," 

"No! I want to help find Tommy! I can't leave him!" I shouted, stamping my foot. 

"Tubbo..." Scott began slowly, before the door was opened, and the sound of footsteps and crying echoed throughout the house. 

I dashed to the door, and Techno and Wilbur stumbled through it. They both looked a mess, eyes red and puffy, and soaking wet, but Tubbo didn't care as he ran towards them and flung his arms around them, at peace for a moment with his two big brothers. 

"Tubbo," Techno said with a hoarse voice, "Is Scott here yet? Where's Tommy?" He sounded exhausted. 

Techno led Wilbur to a sofa where they both collapsed onto it, Wilbur clinging on to Techno for dear life. "Tech he... he followed you," I said, nervously, at the same time as Scott spoke,

"Techno! Wilbur! You're here! Where's Tommy?" Scott said, sounding worried yet relieved that Techno and Wilbur were back. 

"Wait Tommy isn't here?" Techno asked, sitting bolt upright. Wilbur seemed out of it, half asleep and clinging onto Techno, tears streaming down his face. 

"No! He followed you to find Wilbur!" I exclaimed, trying to get them to understand the urgency. 

********* Techno's pov***********

He what? Tommy? Followed me!? It's great that he cares that much about us, but its dangerous! He could be in danger! He could have hurt himself! Or been.... mugged?! Or been taken by the people who got Dadza! 

"We need to go and find Tommy! Now! Can we call him?" 

"No he left his phone here," Tubbo informed me, handing me mine and Tommy's phone.

"Ok then lets go and find him. Wilbur and Tubbo can stay here, and me and Scott wil go," I said, standing up ready to leave. I was going to find my little brother. 

"Technoblade, we can't. It's too dangerous for you, and I need to make sure you all are safe. There are other officers arriving, they are extremely close and I have informed them of the situation. They will find your brother. For now we must wait. I'm sorry," Scott said, beginning harshly but ending in a soft tone, his eyes gentle. 

"But...!" I protested, before being cut off, "No." 



Hahaha I did a cool little diamondy thing cool cool. Anyways HIT 1K THATS SO POGGERS THANKYOU GUYS! Also I wanted to start another book, because like... why not? I wont publish it for ages but yknow I wanted to start writing it a bit. ANYWAYS I had two ideas, one is like a Dragons sbi au and the other is like an irl thing where like... Tommy suddenly cuts contact with  everyone cause smth traumatic happens idk what, and then when he goes to speak to them again online he sees he has been replaced i guess. That was a terrible description but idk how to describe it so meh. But the dragons au would be mostly fluff and the other one mostly angst. so yeah what do u think? Also thanks again for 1k! 

Word count: 1257

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