Getting Started

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Just wanted to inform that this is before the Elsewhere things, and the Community is normal. Though you may get triggered to go Elsewhere. Your choice.
Ok, so you just have to fill out this form, then if I say ok, you can get started! Have fun!


Age Group:

Job (if 12 or above):

Family Unit Descriptions: (Plz include age for siblings and three adjectives for each the children or siblings in your family unit, is you don't have one because you're a childless adult or a elder, then don't do this part. Also if you are a adult in the family, then put the descriptions of your children and husband/wife. If you haven't applied for another child or a child at all yet, then don't put it.)
Mom's job:
Dad's job:
Son's job and/or descriptions:
Daughter's job and/or descriptions:
Husband/Wife's job:

3 personality adjectives or phrases of you:

Extra: (Example: Can see color blue)

Name: Lulu
Age Group: 14
Job: Storyteller
Family Unit Descriptions:
Mom's job: Nurturer
Dad's job: Assistant Director of Recreation
Brother: George, 11, shy, playful, cute
3 personality adjectives or phrases of me: Clever, imaginative, talkative
Extra: Can see color blue

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