Fear of bacteria linked to conservatism
Collins, Nathan (2017/06/14) "WHY ARE CONSERVATIVES GROSSED OUT BY GERMS?" PacificStandard: https://psmag.com/news/why-are-conservatives-grossed-out-by-germs
Living up to societal standards for beauty have also been shown to correlate with conservatism
A short summary is available online for free (Murray 2018/03/18). Which summarizes (Berggren, Jordahl and Poutvaara 2017/02) and (Peterson and Palmer 2017). Berggren, Jordahl and Poutvaara showed that conservative politicans tend to be more attractive, Peterson and Palmer demonstrated that conservative voters tended to be more attractive. This research hasn't been performed in Sweden, it is possible that future studies will show that the pattern is isolated to specific countries —but so far that has not ben demonstrated.
Murray, Gregg R. (2018/03/18)"Science Weighs In: Conservatives 'Look Better'"
Berggren, Niclas; Jordahl, Henrik; and Poutvaara, Panu (2017/02) "The right look: Conservative politicians look better and voters reward it" Journal of Public Economics" Volume 146
Peterson, Rolfe and Palmer, Carl (2017) "Effects of physical attractiveness on political beliefs" Volume 36, Issue 2.
Hesitation to state once political preferences, is a trait that is in itself more common for the right in Sweden
An older opinion poll in Sweden documented this pattern (Santesson 2015/09/14). Similare findings have been found in an American University, summerized in the Atlantic (Friedersdorf 2020) after its original publication (Larson, McNeilly and Ryan 2020/02).
Source(s):Santesson, Peter (2015/09/14) "Vem vågar prata om sina åsikter?" Demoskop.
Friedersdorf, Conor (2020/02/16) "Evidence That Conservative Students Really Do Self-Censor" The Atlantic
Larson, Jennifer; McNeilly, Mark; and Ryan, Timothy J (2020/02)"FREE EXPRESSION AND CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL"https://fecdsurveyreport.web.unc.edu/
Poverty and discrimination — disputing their role as the primary or most important causes of crime
"[these two are]not the leading cause of crime, particularly in Sweden. It's a weak factor, maybe even negligible."
"Consistent with most previous research, we have found that coming from a disadvantaged background was not a strong predictor of crime involvement in our sample"
Quoted from Wikström, Per-Olof;Treiber, Kyle (2016/04/27) "Social Disadvantage and Crime: A Criminological Puzzle" American Behavioral Scientist: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0002764216643134"a weak connection between poverty and crime[...] our studies indicate that there does not exist substantial evidence which point towards indicators of socioeconomic status causing violent crime, substance abuse, or psychiatric issues within the Norwich context" (My translation of the original text: "svag koppling mellan fattigdom och brott [...] Våra studier visar att det inte finns mycket som talar för att en mängd indikatorer för låg socioekonomisk status orsakar vare sig våldsbrottslighet, missbruksproblematik eller psykiatriska sjukdomar i den nordiska kontexten. "
ISIS vs Fey
Misterio / SuspensoTwo detectives attempt to solve a series of gory and sadistic murders. Evidence leads them to believe that the killer is carrying out justice for unpunished crimes. There is a supernatural force behind these murders and a sinister connection among t...