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I did a little dance as I ate my food, we'd been so busy that we skipped lunch. Sitting in the floor felt amazing right now, my belly was making everything else uncomfortable. My back was up against my support pillow while my legs were stretched out in front of me. Isaiah, Jasmine  and myself had been finishing up with furnishing and organising.

Our priority was the main bedroom and bathroom. I was more than happy to do the rest herself, my mom and sister would be over to help later in anyway. Soon they would be driving down to stay with me for a few days.

"Asia I'll call you later okay? This fool won't leave me alone." Jasmine sighed dramatically, she was referring to her man who was very much lost without her.

"Leave him alone he probably just misses you." I laughed at her dramatics.

"Don't do nothing else okay? You need to be resting." Jasmine pointed in my face so I got the message.

"Tell her again." Isaiah shook his head.

I rolled her eyes at him being dramatic yet again. I thanked Jasmine once again for her help before she left to go home. Isaiah sat down beside me and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"You ready for babygirl to be here?" Isaiah questioned before taking another bite.

"Yeah, but she's taking her sweet time." I said and Isaiah nodded in agreement.

We managed to finish up within the next couple of hours. Isaiah packed up his car and we headed back to his house. I wouldn't be staying in my new place until tomorrow as I still had to get the rest of my things from Isaiah's place.


I hummed as I looked out the window for the drive down to my appointment. It was my eight month appointment today, as happy as I was to see my baby is okay, ya girl was starving. Last night instead of my usual dreams, I was dreaming about McDonald's and nothing but.

The passenger door opened and Isaiah helped me out of the car, "You was dazed, watchu thinking about?" he asked.

"McDonald's." I said and he started laughing as if I was joking.

We walked inside and signed in before taking a seat in the waiting room. My appointment wasn't for another ten minutes but ended up get seen early. Isaiah opened the door, I thanked him and walked in.

"How are we feeling todays mommy?" my doctor asked with a smile.

"Huge I need good new please." I said before sitting up on the examination table. I was more than uncomfortable so I was hoping that baby-girl was ready to come out soon enough.

She flicked off the light and sanitised her hands. I rolled up my shirt and laid back. Looking over at Isaiah, his face held the usual expression when he attends my appointments.

He found it all so fascinating, it was adorable. "Okay here's babygirl, facing us today. She's sizing big that's for sure, around the size of a large cantaloupe." she said before turning the monitor around.

"It feels like I'm a carrying a big ass watermelon." I mumbled only for Isaiah and the doctor to laugh.

"She's not facing down by the looks of it, I'm going to just feel around your stomach to see if she is okay?" I hummed in response.

She handed me some paper towels so I wiped my stomach clean of the gel before resting my hands behind my head.

"Okay...she definitely not facing down. Her feet are still over here. So for the ext couple of weeks I want you to take it easy and I mean it. Her moving around won't be a pleasurable experience at all. So you mr take care of her." she pointed to Isaiah.

"I will don't worry about it." he nodded with a smile.

"I'll grab more of your vitamins for you."

I thanked her and she walked out. Isaiah gif up to help me sit up. I fixed my clothing before carefully hopping down.

"She's too Damn heavy." I mumbled, i don't really notice how heavy she is until I stand up after being seated for a while.

"You feeling okay?" Isaiah asked as he opened the door for me.

I nodded although I didn't really feel like it. We grabbed my vitamins and the scan pictures before leaving and heading to the nearest McDonald's.

Half an hour later, we were sitting in the car eating McDonald's. We planned on doing a little shopping but it was pouring down with rain.

"Is there any girl names you like? I can't think of many." I said before looking over to him.

"Watchu got so far?" he asked, Isaiah himself hadn't really been around many kids. It was only him and his brother, neither of them had children.

"I think Kaliyah is a cute." I said, I felt as if time was running out. And I had no first name or middle name for babygirl.

"It is, what about a middle name?"

"No clue." I huffed frustratedly, this was going to be harder than I thought that's for sure.


For the past hour, I had been searching for ways to help the labour and delivery process. I had a gut feeling I wasn't going to give birth when my due date
was. This morning I had hope that baby girl would have changed positions but I guess she had other plans.

"You found anything yet?" Isaiah asked me from the kitchen.

"Well these are all ways to speed up labour so I guess I'll keep them just in case. It talks about spicy foods, herbal teas and sex." I said before powering off my iPad.

"Sex?!" he said with wide eyes. I laughed at his reaction, sex was history for me that's for damn sure. My hormones were all over the place so recently it was all I'd been dreaming about.

"Mhm it's supposed to help prepare the vagina for labour."

"My ears have heard too much." he shook his head.

I laughed and set my iPad on the coffee table. I pulled up a few cushions before laying down on my side. Once a pillow was between my legs I was a little more comfortable.

Isaiah walked over and plopped down on the carpet. He rested his head back in my leg, I dragged my fingers up and down his braids. Every evening we'd sit down and watch greys anatomy together, he first pretended he hated it but he loved it.


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Baby names?

Is there anything you wanna see in the next chapter before baby girl makes an arrival?

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