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After a very much needed shower Asia rubbed herself down with lotion. Over these last couple of weeks she'd been taking her time to rest and heal up. She tied the belt to her robe as she walked out of the bathroom.

She quickly walked back in and poked her head out. Isaiah sat on the bed talking away to Kaliah. She wiggled her feet right in his face as he spoke to her.

"I know it's crazy. You getting big, you got your mommy big head too."

Kaliah's face frowned up "Ian sat it was bad thing. It's suits you don't worry stink."

Asia chuckled and grabbed her phone recording a video of the two. "You a few weeks and you look a little older. Must be titty milk that makes you chunky....I need me some of that my ass needs some gains."

"You having fun?" Asia asked, he looked up and saw her recording.

"You jealous we was having a good talk?" he smirked at her.

"Not at all you two have fun." she laughed. Asia got into bed and propped herself up with some pillows. She grabbed the remote control and put something on the tv just to watch before she went to bed.

"Can I feed her or you still wanna talk?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess." he sighed dramatically.

Asia chuckled and picked her up, Isaiah went to get himself ready for bed. Leaving Asia to feed Kaliah who was more interested in where Isaiah had gone. Although she was young, she was a very observant baby, always looking around at her surroundings.

"He's coming back." she chuckled, rocking her in her arms.

Asia slipped her robe tit he side, Kaliah's little hand rested on her chest as she nursed. Moments like these Asia loved dearly. It was the only time she felt like her life actually meant something, Kaliah had changed her for the better.

"You're growing up already." Asia mumbled rubbing her cheek. Once she was done Asia burped her and laid her on her chest. It was her favourite place to fall asleep.

"You want kids one day?" she asked as Isiah walked back into the room.

"Yeah a couple. You okay?" he asked seeing her glossy eyes.

"Just being stupid, she's growing up already." Asia waved off knowing she was being silly.

"Mama she's only a few weeks." he shook his head.

Asia huffed and wiped her face as she sat back, getting comfortable. Once Kaliah was asleep she put he run her crib that was beside the bed before laying down. She wished she could just fall asleep but her kind was racing. She has a busy day ahead of her tomorrow, she was meeting up with her sister.

For the last few weeks she'd been putting off seeing her. In all honesty she was exhausted and didn't really want to see anyone.


Asia gently swayed side to side, she was waiting for Kaliah to fall asleep before putting her down. They were about to walk into the restaurant where she agreed to meet her sister.

"Now if you love mommy you'll cry and then we can make a run for it okay?" she said to Kaliah hoping she understood her.

Carefully she set her in the car seat and buckled her back in before putting her blanket over her. She lugged the car seat with one arm and took a deep breath as she walked in.

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