5 | Wake Up

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Wake Up

General Audience

No Pairing

Angst/fluff, pre-canon


When he opened his eyes, he was inside his room.

The walls are painted in soft blue, with twelve paper cranes hanging on the ceiling. He heard that by making a thousand paper cranes, his wish could come true. But alas, he already gave up by making twelve. Tired, he said. As a result, the twelve birds were tied up with string, then taped on his room ceiling by his father.

And that's how the twelve colorful paper cranes are always the first thing he sees when he wakes up from sleep.

Stretching his body, he changed his position to sit. The mirror is the second thing that his eyes catches after waking up. The reflection of a boy with black hair as dark as crow was clearly captured by that reddish brown eyes. The boy rubbed his eyes, yawning.

Just when he was about to go back to sleep, the door suddenly opened.

"Good morning, Rok Soo-ya! Come on, get up, or you'll be late for school!"

"Ugh." Kim Rok Soo groaned softly, looked away, wrapped his body with blanket.

The woman with the same hair as the child just exhaled while trying to grab the blanket. "Come on, don't be lazy!"

"... Five more minutes."

It felt like Kim Rok Soo didn't want to wake up.

He wanted to go back to sleep.

"Is that so? Then, you can't go to school with me and your father later, you know?"

A slight jolt could be seen from under the lumpy blanket.

"You want to take me to school?" he asked while peeking.

"Today we're going to go for monthly shopping, so we might as well take you to school. That is, if you hurry up and get ready."

The woman hadn't even finished her sentence yet, Kim Rok Soo had already thrown the blanket away and ran into the bathroom, making her laugh softly.

Kim Rok Soo was so enthusiastic when he heard his parents would take him to school. Usually, he would walk by his own, because the distance between school and his house was not too far. Also, both of his parents were quite busy.

Even so, that doesn't mean they don't have time to spend together. Weekends are the days when they will go out, or spend time at home together. Kim Rok Soo never lacks of affection. He has parents who are loving, but also firm and not spoil him too much.

A perfect family.

"Good morning, Rok Soo-ya."

A warm voice greeted him as soon as Kim Rok Soo arrived at the dining room.

"Morning, Father!"

After a warm kiss on the cheek, Kim Rok Soo jumped to sit on the dining chair.

His father smiled warmly. He spread the bread with peanut butter, then placed it on Kim Rok Soo's empty plate.

"Rok Soo, when will you start the exam?"

"Um, maybe around next week? No announcement from school yet, but this week has entered the last chapter of learning!"

"Don't forget to study," said his mother while tidying up the folds of Kim Rok Soo's tie.

Kim Rok Soo nodded quickly. "Of course! You didn't forget your promise, did you? We'll go to the aquarium park after the exam is over!"

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