how catshifter!Tommy found his family again :)

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Tommy is human but able to shape into a cat , he never told anyone and thats how he found himself with a nice family that decided to take him from the animal shelter.

He was shy and scared at first , he had been in the animal shelter for three months and didnt shift back ever since so he was scared every second of his life to shift back infront of them and he needed to continue to search for his brothers!. He decided to just run away the next time someone would open the front or back door but everytime he got caught and so he was always in someones room at night and if someone would leave they would hold him or bring him in another room.

Tommy didnt like that , he loved this family but he was scared what would happen when they found out he was a 10 year old kid? He was left alone by his older brothers when he was at the park with them when he was just 6 years old. That was the day he had found out he was a shapeshifter but he didnt know how to shift back then and thats why his brothers had left without him ,panicing and worrying but never found him.

Tommy regretted shape shifting that day and wished he never did. He was looking for them still after 4 years but never thought about turning human and searching for them then because someone would always say something about how he looked or something , so he stayed as a cat but of course he had to get caught three months ago.

Tommy sat at the front door whining (three days of staying with them) , all he wanted was to find his brothers even if he loved this family. He just had to go but they wouldnt let him!

Tommy was picked up by Wilbur and sat down on the couch and went through his fur between his cat ears , they knew tommy liked that and tommy hated them for it because it would let him forget about his brothers and worrys but today was different. Normaly Tommy would let him like the last few times but this time he jumped of wilbur and on the couch to lay down on the blankets with his ears down.

Techno , Wilbur and Phil were worried why he acted that way and talked about it while he layed there with ears down.

,,why is he like that? normaly he lets me do it" Wilbur had said with a worrying tone

,,he wants to leave" Techno said out of nowhere with his monotone voice

,,but why? its nice here isnt it?its warm , comfortable and he seems to like it atleast a bit" Phil had questioned when Techno walked over to the front door , Tommys ears went up while he now stood on the couch with wide eyes to see what he was doing.

,,Techno? what are you doing?" Wilbur asked confused

,,Come here theseus , you can leave.." Techno said and opened the door for tommy , wilbur and phil looked shocked while tommy slowly made his way to the door not trusting Techno about it.

Techno kneed down and pat him with a small smile but tommy was able to tell he was sad to let his cat go , Tommy looked outside and back to the family before he sat down thinking about what he should do.

after a bit of thinking he walked back inside and everyone smiled but then tommy thought about his brothers again and looked back outside really fast.

,,Theseus whats your decision?" Techno asked , kind of weird of them to give a CAT a decision but alright. Wait- maybe they could help him find his brothers! why didnt he think of that sooner!?

Tommy ran up to the kitchen table and jumped on it , the other three following after closing the door again. Tommy took a pen in his mouth and tried to write with his head but it was really hard and he didnt want to show them he was human just yet.

,,do you want to tell us something?" Wilbur asked sitting down on the chair where tommy stood on the table , tommy let the pen down and nodded , if they didnt know he isnt a normal cat yet then they're really not smart.

Wilbur picked up the pen and got his phone with the alphabete out , he placed it next to tommy who would point to the letters with his paw , they acted like it was freaking normal for a cat to do that







Phil mumbled and everyone froze when tommy stopped pointing and stat down

,,,Watson?.." Phil asked and tommy nodded

,,theseus , why watson? what does it mean?" Techno asked confused and tommy Pointed again.







,,Family? but- now thats confusing" Wilbur chuckled akwardly

,,dad did we ever have a cat? and this smart?" Wilbur asked and Techno finaly got it

,,wait- theseus do you know the date you lost them?" Techno asked and tommy nodded pointing again when wilbur put the numbers on his phone

,,04.07.2018" Techno said and tommy nodded

,,Thats- mate thats the date you two lost tommy in the park!" Phil said and Tommys ears pointed upwards

,,theseus do you know tommy?" Techno asked and tommy jumped from the table , he looked at their confused faces with worry about their youngest and tommy nodded slowly.

,,you know tommy! where is he!?" Wilbur asked worried kneeing down to the cat while tears build in his eyes and tears already fell down phils face.

Tommy walked over to the couch with them and stood a bit away from it while the other three sat down on the couch waiting for his ,answer'

Tommy shifter back and looked to the floor hearing gasps from all three. Techno was first to hug tommy and hold him aginst his chest

,,tommy..." he wispered and he began to cry

,,i-i finally found you.." Tommy cried and hugged techno back

,,you're a cat shifter?" Techno chuckled and he nodded ,leaning closer to his brother

,,you dumbass! I was with you for three days without noticing because you changed!" Tommy scolded them , making them all laugh. The other two both had their time with hugging the youngest before they all ended up on the couch , asleep and letting the worrys go away to the next day. 

i know it wasnt the best but whateverxD i enjoy writing so i will do it how i want :^

Have a nice day and my next story will come soon!

oh and before someone asks : i will not write a story for new year sorry!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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