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Hey there! So this is my first ever fanfiction so if it's bad PLEASE tell me. I know what it feels like to read a fanfiction that doesn't really match the story (like the characters' personalities being wrong) and I would hate for all you Keeper lovers to go through that.
Also note that I do NOT ship anything gay or lesbian, so if you have a problem with that you don't have to read.

So in this book there will be A LOT of fluff cuz this girl is a hopeless romantic and I ship lots of different people together.

Anywho, I'll start working on the first chapter. If you need any more info about it than you can always comment.

All of the characters are Shannon Messenger's unless said otherwise!!!

Hope you enjoy the FF my sweets😘! 

Okay, so I'm coming back to this and realizing how cringy this whole book is, so I'm going to unpublish and rewrite it in the free time I have. 

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