Chapter nine - Mission (Sophie)

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It has been two weeks since Tam and I became official, and already everyone was complimenting on how we were such a cute couple. I loved Tam, and he loved me. He was fortunately able to get Grady to agree to the relationship surprisingly fast, though I think Edaline had something to do with it.

I was currently at a meeting that the council called and was very confused. Did I do something wrong? "Good evening, councilors," I greeted, giving them a very ungraceful curtsey and almost fell on my face.

"Good evening, Miss Foster. Thank you for joining us," Emery started. "We understand that you may be a little uncomfortable in front of us so we will cut to the chase. The councilors have realized that in recent events, knowing more about the human race would be very helpful to the Lost Cities."

I have to admit, I was getting curious. "Are you proposing that I start a human history lesson at Foxfire?" I joked, but was silently wondering if it were true.

Emery looked at his colleagues before answering. "Well, no. However, we have decided that you and your group of friends, if willing, will be going to the Forbidden Cities to learn more about humans."

I was really surprised. Was this real? Was the council messing with me? "Um.. I-I would love to!" I stuttered. I couldn't wait to tell everyone!

Emery smiled. "Well, it looks like there is going to be a ruckus in the Forbidden Cities. All we ask is that you leave sometime next week at the latest, and you tell us who will be going with you. You may go wherever you would like, as long as it's not too dangerous. The Black Swan may get you situated. Meeting adjourned.


When I got back home, I hailed all my friends, and the collective, and soon, everyone was in the pastures. As I explained to them what was going on, most of the girls started squealing and jumping up and down. "So, I know this is probably a waste of my breath, but who wants to go?" I wondered aloud.

Surprisingly, Reyni, Stina, Maruca, Wylie, and Jensi didn't raise their hands. Wylie explained that he still needed to look after his father and Maruca gave the same excuse. Reyni told us that she just got released from the council's watch and would like to enjoy it, but she glanced at Wylie while saying it so I think she had an alternate reason. Stina told us that she had to stay and help her parents with the unicorns while Jensi said that it would be too different for him.

Everyone else decided to go so they went back home to pack some necessities and left the Black Swan to take care of the details. Soon, they came up with a plan and notified the council about our departure. Everyone gathered around and linked hands, getting ready to teleport.

"Miss Redek, miss Foster, and Mr. Sencen, you will tell everyone that you are siblings with the last name of Rodgers, Mr. and Miss Vacker, you will remain siblings but with the last name of Smith along with Mr. Dizznee, Mr. Tam and Miss Linh, your name will go back to Tong. You may all keep your first name, and will live in the same house, claiming to be extange students from a small island in the Atlantic ocean. Mr. Sencen and Mr. Vacker will be Seniors in high school while the rest of you will be sophomores (Just so y'all know, it goes freshman, sophomore, junior, senior... I think...). I will implant the information you all need in Miss Foster's mind just in case. You may go now."

After the old man's speech, we all leapt off the cliff and teleported to the house he showed me.

A/N: so, this may be bad, because I wrote all of this in the middle of the night. This chapter will be published early because I'm going camping this weekend and won't have my tablet with me. Thanks for reading! Now good night!

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