Chapter Four - What Once Was (Dex)

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I barely heard Stina apologize. She didn't get the right to. She was the main reason why Sophie ran away the first time, then I was convinced that I needed to go after the moonlark. That was when I was kidnapped and tortured. I tried to get rid of that train of thought. None of us knew who the Neverseen were back then. However, I just couldn't drop everything and forgive Stina for her hurtful ways. She changed, and I can't change that.

The only thing that kept me from flinging one of my gadgets at Stina's head was the sincerity I heard in her voice. It almost made me want to believe that I could have my friend back, but I highly doubted that it would happen. I watched as one by one, each of my friends forgave Stina. I hated it. Soon enough everyone said their forgiveness and I was the last person not sympathizing with Stina. They all looked at me expectantly, and made me want to rolly eyes. "Can I talk to Stina alone?" I winced slightly at my harsh tone, but no one else saw it. Everyone nodded and left, except Sophie. I saw Stina tap her temple. Sophie nodded and dazed out. Eventually, she went back into the room with the gang and left me and Stina alone.

I wanted to make sure she knew that I wasn't going to be pushed around, so I told her, "Before you start, I want to remind you that I know you, Sti. I can read you just as easily as Keefe can Sophie." I could tell that the use of her old nickname brought back memories of when we were younger. She sighed. "I know, Dex. I just wish we could go back to before Foxfire, and stay there forever." Against my greatest will, I could feel my corneas start to burn, and a single tear leaked out. I may not have a photographic memory like Sophie, but I could remember my childhood as clear as water.

"Stina! Wait for me!" A small five year old boy yelled. "Come and get me, Pine Tree!" His companion teased back. "You have longer legs than me, you should catch up easily," Stina taunted. "But Stina!" Dex whined. "You got a head start! No fair!" "It's as fair as birds fly!" Suddenly, a bird swooped down out of nowhere and barely missed Stina's face. She screamed and ran even faster through the grassy fields toward their underground bunker. As she got farther and farther away, Dex got even more tired. About a yard away from the bunker, he slowed to a walk. He could hear crying from down below. "Stina?" He whispered as he climbed down the ladder. Are you okay?" The whimpering got closer as he approached their blanked fort. When Dex climbed in, he could see Stina caressing her knee. "I fell down the ladder again," she cried. Dex carefully took Stina's hands away and kissed the small scrape. "Is it better know he asked soothingly. Well, as soothing as a five year old voice can get. "Yeah," Stina replied. "All better. Do you want to play tag?" "Sure!" They both climbed out of the bunker and started running around the field.

The memory ended there, but there were many more coming. Soon, I had relived all my favorite times and the tears just kept coming. I finally gave in. "Stina, I'm not sure I can go back to being your best friend, but if you do better, I can forgive you," I explained to her. She nodded with a grateful smile, and I wondered if it was possible to be friends again.

A/N: Hi guys, sorry for the short chapter, but I think that's just what we needed. I mean, isn't Dex and Stina's five year old friendship so cute? I DO NOT SHIP STEX!! OR DINA! OR WHATEVER THEIR SHIP NAME IS. There will be no Dina fluff other than this. And maybe a small bit in the next chapter (A naughty someone was watching them :D). Don't worry guys; those of you who read this for Sotam will get Sotam. I'm just running through everyone's POVs first, then it will just be Sophie's and Tam's. I promise.
Thank you for reading my odd book, love you, Sweets, Goededag/avond! (Dutch)
-Faithful ❤️

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