Dark Halls
Doc Was Still Terrified By Seeing The Robots..
Doc: What Am I Gonna Do..
But He Saw Something Which Was..Cool...
2 Mossberg 500's With Shells..
Doc: I Can Use The Shotguns To Kill The Robots..
But He Still Had The Flashlight And Keycard..
So He Can Use It..Robots: Searching.. Hunting Down...
*Gunshot And Cocking Shotgun*
Oil Spilled Out Of The Robot
Robots: Seek And Hunt Down..
*More Shooting*
Doc: Aren't They Supposed To Shoot Their Plasma Revolvers?...
Robots: Target Locked..
Doc: Damn...
Doc Shoots More Robots And Went To The Next Room
*Now Playing: Self Esteem Fund - Portal*
Doc: Well Made It Out..
He Saw A Red Door..Used The Keycard And Went In
Doc: I'm Safe...
After 3 Hours...
*Now Playing: Dead Center Menu Theme - Left 4 Dead 2*
Chapter 4:
Doc Was Chilling..Again...
Doc: Well Shooting Robots..Kinda Feel Like Mann Vs Machine.. (TF2)
He Steeps Out..But Discovers Something New..
The Mutations: Undead Scientists With Chains, Glass Shards, Big Claws, Torn Up Ribcage, Hanging Hearts And Eyes Glowing
Doc Blasts Their Heads And Chest With His Mossberg 500's
But Some Robots Ran After Him
*They Cornered You, BETTER RUN LIKE HELL*
*After Shooting Later*
Sarvente On Speakers: Hello?.. I Know Your There....
*Now Playing: Swamp Zombies - Cheshyre*
He Encountered Ruvyzat
Ruvyzat: So You're The One Who Shot The Robots And Mutations...
Doc: What The Hell Do You Guys Want..
Ruvyzat: I'll Tear Your Limbs, Slit Your Throat And Hang Your Spine...
Doc: Don't Test Me...Or Else..
Ruv Screaming
Ruv: You... K-Killed...Me... I Am Dead..Not Big Surprise...
After 2 Hours Later..
Chapter 4: Kill The Void Queen*Now Playing: Anesthetize - Cheshyre*
2BDamned Entered A Room
Doc Noticed A Radio..
Sanford And Hank: Hello..Is This Doc?..Look Were In Trouble..But We Need Backup.. Now..NOW DAMNIT NOW!!! *Static*
Doc: Ok...
Nikusa: Going Somewhere Science Boy?~Doc: Agh..Nikusa..Look I Don't Have Time To Play Games..So Step Aside And-
Nikusa Broke The 2 Mossberg 500's
*Now Playing: Name's Dennis - SpongeBob SquarePants Movie*
Doc Had To Throw His Flashlight At Her...
*After 1 Hour Later*
Nikusa: Haha- Oh Crud...*Crushed*
Doc: Uhh...Ok..
Chapter 5: Kill The Nun
*12 Hours Later*
Doc Entered A Room...Which Is Sarvente's Office..
Sarvente: Well You Found Me, Was It Worth It.. Because Despite Your Violent Mood Swings..The Only Thing You Managed To Break..Is My Heart..So Goodbye..
*Now Playing: You Can't Escape You Know - Portal*
Doc Throwed His Flashlight Again...
Sarvente: Ok Fine...You Can Leave...
Doc Entered The Exit Door..
And Walked Back Home..
Listen to B E C C A T U N E by Tiege on #SoundCloud
https://on.soundcloud.com/AHP6o*Now Playing: B E C C A T U N E ( I Found This In Rebecca Doodles Live Streams) Credits Theme*
Credit To Rebecca Doodles..And I Like Her Content...And The FNF Mods...
Doc's Quest
AventuraThis One Is Different..Rather Focusing On My Character Dr MAD.. I'll Focus On 2BDamned (Doc.. He's My Favorite Character) I'm On A New Device.. Also I Don't Own The Rights To The Songs I Use..They Are Fair Use..They All Belong To Their Owners