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Seconds after Zain had left, Eva barged into the office, worry encompassing her aura as she made her way toward a crying Emma.

“Oh my goodness, what did that guy do to you?” She sat beside Emma on the table, holding her and stroking her hair.

Emma opened her mouth to speak, but the tears inundated her.

“It's him, am I wrong? It's Zain, right?” Eva asked. Looking up, Emma nodded. “No wonder he looked alarmingly familiar. But what happened for crying out loud Emma? What did he do to you? I confronted him outside but he wouldn't tell me. He just left looking very angry. God he even had tears in his eyes, how humiliating.”

Emma wiped her damp eyes, forcing herself to keep her tears and emotions at bay, knowing her best friend wouldn't find her reaction to Zain's visit any more rational than it was to her. “He said he wanted me back.”

“He what?” Eva laughed as she pulled away to sit on the chair in front of where Emma sat at the table. “The guy has some nerve. After breaking your heart, he returns five years later wanting a place in that same one.”

“He only did it to protect me you know.” Emma mused softly, feeling tired and weary after the emotional wringer she'd just been put in by Zain. And it was funny how she acknowledged the exact opposite of Zain.

“Please don't defend him again.” Eva said, regarding Emma speculatively. “I'm guessing you told him you are married. It was George who pieced up the heart he broke.”

“He knew I was married and that I have a daughter. He's upset that I moved on. I had no choice but to tell him off.”

Eva held her hand and squeezed. “Why would that make you cry, Em? And you say it with that look in your eyes. It's as if you regret telling him he should leave you alone because you have a husband.”

Then her eyes narrowed warily. “Bestie, don't tell me you still have feelings for him.”

Instant panic zapped through Emma's veins, causing her to move away to prevent Eva from delving into her emotions with her eyes.

“What are you saying, Eva? I mean it's been five years. . . I've not seen him in five years. I've been married to George for three years and I really love him and...” She realized she was stupidly blabbing.

Eva was at her side, cupping her face with her hand. “Hey, hey, there's no need to get hysterical. Come on, you don't need to justify yourself. It makes it seem like... Never mind.”

It was either Eva suspected or would soon figure it out. Em had never succeeded in hiding her feelings from her ever since she opened up to her about her painful family past.

Needing some comfort, she fell into her friend's arms, feeling the warmth and assurance seep out and soaking it up. She was glad to have a friend like Eva.


The merry laughter of the three-year-old reverberated as she run across the lawn with her father trailing behind, pretending to be eluded even when one stretch of his leg could make him grab her.

This was exactly what Emma needed. Seeing her husband and daughter capering and frolicking and happy. It made her happy and at peace.

She watched them with a smile on her face as George finally caught her and they fell on the lawn in a heap of laughter.

When their laughter finally died down, they got up and headed toward her. She was sitting at the refreshment table that sat in the garden.

She met George's happy, loving gaze, and she felt the shameful guilt wrap around her like a blanket of torment as her mind reversed to some hours ago; Zain's visit, their kiss, and all that it'd made her feel.

Averting her gaze, Emma reached for her daughter when she neared enough and pulled her on top of her lap. The little girl's body still vibrated with the warmth and joy of the previous minutes spent with her father.

George took the chair flanking hers. “Sugar, you are doing that brainstorming thing again aren't you?” He shook his head with a capricious smile. “Your job can really get intense sometimes, though from the outside looking in, it's all so simple.”

He continued when Emma still couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye or speak, using the braiding of some wayward strands of her daughter's dark black hair as an alibi.

“But you know I have to admit that I see that there's something different, Sugar. You seem more distracted since yesterday than you've ever been. Even our daughter complained.”

Looking up, Emma forced back the guilt, taking in her husband's green eyes which mirrored her own, filled with love and concern for her. Yet there was scrutiny about it that almost made her flinch.

She smiled genuinely. “Just straight out ask me if something is wrong instead of beating around the bush, okay.” She joined George as he chuckled.

She was lucky to have a daughter like Amy, and of course a husband like George. Zain was just an angel who'd lighted the path, she decided.

Meeting George halfway through a kiss but making sure it lasted short so their daughter didn't get too much stored at her age, she said, “It's going to be alright.”

After today, after she'd shattered Zain's heart and caused him to leave her life, she was sure there would be no more hindrance.

How wrong she was.

Two weeks passed. Emma found that the chaos mellowed and rescued her from the emotional wringer pretty fast.

During this time, she barely thought of Zain, and when she did, it was always with a pang of a familiar sadness. Sadness for how they'd turned out, not that she regretted it.

With no Zain to cause any more uncertainties, the happiness in her family had been restored, and after two weeks of not hearing from him, she was certain he would never turn up again.

What she'd failed to consider was that destiny had tunes of its own and expected everybody to dance to them.


When George called her at lunchtime one day and said he would be bringing his new business associate to dinner, she didn't think much of it as she closed early to go and help her auntie prepare dinner.

That is why when she finally met this 'new business partner', she nearly reeled from the shock and fear that sizzled to life.

Smiling, George introduced. “Sugar, meet my new business partner, Zain Chadwick. Zain, meet my fantastic wife, my sugar, Emma Taylor.”

He didn't notice the shock that characterized both her and Zain's expression.

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