First Time

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A/N: I feel it's a bit redundant to say but obviously this chapter contains sex. So be prepared for that. Italicized bits are music lyrics

"Hey, I'm going to my room for a bit," Anthony announces.

It comes up suddenly sort of like a hiccup and for a second Ian doesn't even register what Anthony's getting at. They just finished watching the latest episode of Psych, allowing the television to hum a serenade of commercials to them. Ian's trapped in Anthony's arms, resting his back against the taller boy's chest. They switched back and forth between being big spoon and little spoon when it came to cuddling, it really all depended on who initiated it, what the circumstances were, etc. So when Anthony announced his departure, he gave a kiss to the signature bowl head before giving a little push. Ian shuffled over and sighed a bit.

Ian knows, without a doubt what Anthony is about to go do. He's just surprised at how little it's taking to get the dark haired boy to hide in his room with the stereo on. Normally there's some kissing or heavy petting that happens first, something sure fire that gives them both raging boners and then Anthony halts everything and scuttles off to his room, hand already pressing down the crotch of his jeans. And then they relieve themselves, separately.

Sure enough Ian hears the unmistakable sounds of the radio over crappy speakers. He's got it on an alternative sort of channel. Ian closes his eyes and he can picture Anthony sitting there in his office chair, slightly leaned back. He can see him, unbuckling his thin, worn down fabric belt as guitar rifts fill the air and then reaching under broken in denim and black boxers. He wonders if he makes that sound he made when Ian had jerked him off that one night. Does Anthony still have that breathy, soft moan? That gentle 'huh-huh-huh' that Ian hears in his head?

Ian looks to his crotch to see his own erection staring back at him, trying to forcefully rebel against his jeans which all of a sudden feel too tight. All this skating around sex is getting to be bothersome, no it's more than bothersome, it's stupid. They're two, young healthy guys in a relationship, right? There's nothing wrong with them getting each other off, right? At the very least, they could just jerk each other again. That wouldn't really break the rules too much, would it?

Besides, Ian really, really kind of maybe wants to watch. Just a little.

So Ian approaches Anthony's door and sure enough, it's unlocked and he can hear the bass in "Madness" beating the floor. As quietly and carefully as humanly possible, Ian presses open the door and for the first time in his life, that 1/4 ninja skill comes through. He sneaks in, thanking God that Anthony has his back to the door.

And then Ian just watches and listens for a few seconds. Anthony's stuttered moans are as airy as remembered. The back of the office chair rocks slightly and all Ian can see of Anthony is his toes curling into the carpet. There's the sound of it too, the hurried slap of skin on skin and Ian's already bold erection stiffens harder. He cross the distance to the chair, grabs it and spins Anthony around to face him. Ian thrills inwardly at the fact that Anthony is also shirtless as the interrupted boy stares at him in panic.

"Wha-! What are you doing?" Anthony nearly squeaks.

Ian shuts him up by kissing him forcefully, his tongue practically snaking down the surprised boy's throat but Anthony catches on quickly. He moans a little into the kiss and more so as Ian's hand finds a firm grip around Anthony's penis.

"Mmm- mm- Ian," Anthony says as he breaks the kiss and puts a hand down to stop Ian's jerking motions, "I thought we were going to wait-"

"For what?" Ian fires back.

"C'mon Ian, let go," Anthony sighs.

Ian does as he's told but rolls his eyes nonetheless and then trots to the bed where he sits on the edge of it pouting.

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