Francis Forever (I don't think i could stand to be, where you don't see me.)

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oops i did it again
Promise I'll update my other fics instead of posting oneshots
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:
Katsuki was not having a good day. He had another nightmare and was therefore running on four hours of sleep, the sun was too bright and the extras were being too loud. He would have worn sunglasses to class if tape face wouldn't have immediately accused him of being hungover or high. He had a fucking migraine and light hurt- why was that so hard to understand?

The nightmare was its usual bullshit, no imagery or any actual remembrance of it after he woke up, just phantom sensations of staple-littered hands burning his neck, thick sludge forcing itself down his throat, suffocation and lingering feelings of paranoia and terror. Katsuki would wake from them, shaking and more often than not, with burnt bedsheets. After that, he would check the locks on his windows, his door. He would check the bathroom (in the shower, behind the sink, the dark corner between the wall and the toilet) and then his wardrobe (behind the clothes, in every draw, behind the furniture itself) and then under his bed, making sure to remove every bit of debris something (someone) could hide behind.

It was stupid and mental but if he didn't check, and the one time he didn't check something happened? Something (someone) got into the dorm and hurt his classmates, his teacher?

Katsuki wouldn't be able to live with himself.

After that, he would still be too scared of vague shadows to go to sleep and would turn his bedside lamp on and read, study, scroll- whatever.

Then when his alarm beeped at six am, katsuki would go for his morning run (even if he was mentally fucked, he wasn't stupid enough to neglect his body-well, in terms of exercise) after which he would get back to the dorms at seven, down about four mugs of coffee and stalk back upstairs to get ready for school.

Was it healthy? Probably not.

Did he care? Also no.

Back to the point,

Because his brain was back on its bullshit shenanigans and decided that he wasn't allowed to be happy, Katsuki was even more irritable that morning. He stomped into the classroom without his usual insults-cum-greetings to the idiots that declared themselves his friends.

He didn't even comment on Deku's annoying ass mumbling

(It didn't annoy him usually but right now the extra auditory input was not particularly welcome)

Oh wait - that was easily fixed, Katsuki realised as he pulled out his hearing aids, relishing in the still frustrating but now dimmed noise.

"Shut up," Aizawa said as he slouched his way into the room. Katsuki internally sniggered, well he wasn't the only sleep deprived one here.

Thankfully, the chatter stopped as Aizawa called out the register, (mineta was absent? Thank fuck, if Katsuki had been forced to lay eyes on the purple cunt today  he would have actually punted someone across the training field) but quickly resumed at the mans next announcement.

"Due to heroics being a dangerous and fiercely competitive profession, with an early retirement age, UA has hired a career counsellor to talk to you about why you want to be a hero, what your plans are if you have to retire early, or if you change your mind. Play nice and don't get into any trouble that requires me to do paperwork."

Francis Forever (I don't think i could stand to be, where you don't see me.)Where stories live. Discover now