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I walk to the new school I'm going to. It's called Hyakkaou Private Academy. It's where the rich enroll their kids . My parents own an electronic company and since all their rich friends make their kids go there, they enrolled be there too.

I get into my new classroom and sit down. A girl with a brown bob cut notices me.

"Azuki!" She says. She's Akira Yamagata. She was my friend in elementary. Her family is part of the film industry. Her parents starred in a whole lot of movies it's crazy. Her elder sister is in an idol group and her big brother is a model. She's kind and outgoing.

"Akira!" I say. "It's good to see you again!"

"I know! It's been so long! Your hair grew too!" She notices my black hair being longer than when I was a kid. Her hair was also longer back then. More to her shoulders than in a bob.

We chat until class starts. I introduce myself and see the class. I was the smart kid when I was a kid so this will be a piece of cake.

Class ends.

Then, it gets weird.

They start to gamble.

What the hell??

I ask Akira.

"Oh, we gamble here, it's encouraged," she explains.

"What?! Why?!"

"There's a saying that 'the soon to be leaders of Japan need to be tough competitors.' The better your skills, the better you achieve in life."

"Ohhhhh," I notice a girl alone with a tag. "Why does she have that?"

Akira turns and looks at the girl. "Ah, she's a house pet ."

"A what?"

She turns to me. "Here, we have a hierarchy system here. The student council makes us donate. You're ranked on how much you pay. If you're on the bottom hundred, you'll become a house pet. A Fido if you're a boy and a Mittens if you're a girl."

"And... it's encouraged?"

"Yup. Wanna try?"

"I'm not..."

"Hi you two!" A girl with long black hair says. She has a hue of dark pink at her ends. She has a hot pink bow. Her eyes are hazel. 

A friend follows her. She also had black hair, with no color, and in long braid. Her eyes are blue. She's seems more serious than her friend.

"H-hello," I say, being caught off guard.

"You're the new student, right?"

I nod "Yes."

"Well, I'm Bara Momoiro and she's my friend, Kanna Aizawa."

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"Likewise," Kanna says.

"Would you to play a game with us?" Bara asks.

I look at Akira. She looks back at me and nods.

"Sure," I say.

"Ok," she says and turn to her friend. "Kanna, you know what to do."

She walks to the front of the class and turns to the class. She knocks, almost pounds, on the blackboard. The class quiet downs and looks at the girl.

"LEAVE!" she screams.

The class quietly gets up from their matches and leave. When the last person leaves, she closes the door.

Jesus she doesn't play.

"Ok, we'll be easy," Bara explains. "Rock paper scissors"

Oh, that is easy. Bara gets her cards.

"How many rounds will this be?" I ask

"3," she answers. "The wage is 1,000."

Pretty cheap.

We both put in the money.

Kanna gives us the 3 cards.

"We'll each have 30 seconds to choose our cards," Bara explains.

"Alright," I agree.

Akira and Kanna are at one side of the table.

"We start now."

I'm having a difficult time choosing...



Yeah, paper

"The 30 seconds are up," Kanna announces.

She chose...


"You won!" Akira says, jumping up and down.

"Good job," Bara compliments me.

"Hehe, thanks."

The next round starts.

I chose scissors.

The 30 seconds are up.

She chose rock again.

"Hehe, I got lucky," she says.

Last round.

"Let's add, $1000 more," she suggests.

I decided to agree to the terms, not trying to see like a wimp.

We add the money and the 30 seconds start.

I choose paper, since I know she'll choose rock again.

The time is up.

She choose scissors.


"Yay, I won," she exclaims, hugging Kanna.

"Noooo, Azuki....whyyyy," Akira says.

"Good game," Bara says.

"Likewise," I say, keeping my cool.

The girls leave.

"Wait, what about your money??" I ask.

"Ehh, keep it," Bara says. She smiles, her eyes had turned to a baby pink. "Let's hang out sometime."

Akira and I get up to leave.

"Ya know, I think she was inspired by a second year gambling match," Akira says.

"What match?"

She explains but I'll keep it short.

Another new girl named Yumeko had a match with Mary, a tough gambler. The match was also rock paper scissors. But instead of them keeping their hands, they put it in a box and had to pick out a card. I don't know why Bara changed it but, maybe cause it was too tough to carry around.

"Wow, I'd like to meet her."

"She's in the student council. As a public moral's officer."



We walk outside and I see the car.

"Bye!" I wave to her.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!"

The new Girl (Kakegurui FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now